Nuhou, Volume I, Number 25, 20 May 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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, * MONDAY, MA 119,1873. ' We have uo forcign arrivalā to report since our last issue. The brig Onward, whieh is in the hands'cvf Tibbets & Soris being : thoroughly overhaulerl, ne\vly eoppeml, &c., will be a firsl-rate vessel for sliort voyages, that she is not a large carrier, aml wouhl not jpay on long voyagcs. We are now begimiirsg the withdrawal of ouv paekets between here an'el San Francisco. We shall now be compelled to ship our sugars in larger parcels and at larger rates of freight. Steamers are in 'no eouutry used for carrying sugars, anel this country ean form no exception. "We need business enough to support a steamer antl a packet line, and if \ve eannot do, this are in a bad Wool.—-We are informed fchat the wool elip from Kahoolawe and Lanai has eonie in. It has been examtned by those who are able to judge, and to be superior to lafit yeai's The price we are told to say nothing abcut. Rice.—Prom the best of information we leam the riee crop promises this year to be nearly double wliat it has been heretofore. The season has been most favorable, aiul tlie grain promises to be large at the same time. We woulel recommend to rice planting friends to lose no time in prociu*ing a change of seed, Oet new South Carolina lt golden and you will see what a change it will make.