Nuhou, Volume I, Number 25, 20 Mei 1873 — The Labor of Hindoostan [ARTICLE]
The Labor of Hindoostan
'Whieh Ims buiit up the vaflt >ugar ,intercstft of Mauritius could be obtained to R>rne extent to lielp us; if Gveafc Britairi saw J.;»y our relations \vith the Oolonies t.hafc our purp'ose was to roaintain our independenee. In such a ease we believe tlmt the īmperial Government \vould \vaive iu our behalf t the restrictions..' ufc llōngkong and Madvas imposed upon the deportation of labor to ioreign countriee. She would ]>ermit us to gcfc labprcrs to assigt in inaintaining our indepeiKlence and in preserving the perpetuai neutrality of this }K>rt. Let our agent to the Colonies embraoe 'in ; oirc.uifc of his operations a.vieifc toMadvas, ('aleu-Ua, Singapore, and llongkong.