Nuhou, Volume I, Number 25, 20 Mei 1873 — "A Faithful Minister of the Goapel" [ARTICLE]
"A Faithful Minister of the Goapel"
1h »cedod afc thc Lcpcr Sc(llcmenjt on Molokai; ,t-o *aya the Organ of Wll SaintH, Tlicy havc alrcady tbcvc a Ministcr of Ohrißtiari Chavity and ol Haman Erothcrhood; but anofcher Ministcr h=cciuß to bc uccdcd, who*o (jualifications \vc may not undcrstand, or poßßibly rnany not be ablc to oppi'eeiaee. hit perhapseome Doctor of Divinity, theology is best adapted to lepioue comprc]icnsion? Or is it a teacher with doctrine juet Hi ; iite<l 10 arouse leprouB convictlonB? Or īs it a voicc ol' one erying in tl»e \vilderneS/S, that only wiii resonnd through *wollen ears, and reach the ieprous heart? Oh, look it up, and bring it forth, tiiis fnitiifu) minifitration i It i* all needed. 'rhcre is a big eall on Molokai; a Macedonian cry of one thoueand ead sick souls. Come brothcrs, don't beafraid of laek of opportunity, to tcstyour love lbr Christ; because Bome of llis most wpelul brothron, arc crying out for lielp; and thei'c h vct room among tho !cj>ers for "a faithful Minipter of thc Cospcl. ??