Nuhou, Volume I, Number 25, 20 Mei 1873 — Birthday of Queen Victoria. [ARTICLE]
Birthday of Queen Victoria.
; Nest Satuiday tho 2pth iastaut is tbo I ot jilor Majcsty ttk; ol tiic i>iiush Etupu\. On th;\t iiuy the wiii hc «ud will l>e i« tbo thirtj-scvcr.i: ; ,H+rol ltci- ivigu. Thc s\vay of this gvxxl an i \iijtuous Sovctcign, haa l'cci),umid all the ; tinn*>s of good aud cvil aucuJant upou huuuu iii'o. , iUuBtnva\l hy t!ie gcuer.»l proe-pcritj of u u»igiiī v , The 6ccj>ux-of lMtaiu iu the kmu? V I tlnj« grauddaughtei- ol'Njeorgo tlie l'hini, ha* j uoue of its aucieut i>jt.euej'. lt lus uot i iu lumiiheKhl or policy !iut has adv.uiecU iu . | anf wi«low in its s\v.vj- jvcv full„v oue-iounh ot v. : | ol tlus giobe. lt is in thc vau uf real hu |.UM|n i>ro£rees, ;uhi iulij susuuus dong wiUi aii ih. | oi its uatiou4 lifc aud poiiUeal geniu>. j tiio ehau»iūensliip of ehe Auglo Saion r»ce, iu a.r . ecrpu;j and ādvauciug Uie rig3its of man. Ail ~ i thc Ktigjish r.ioe, in a eosmoivlw^u «>utnnutiity like tbi.- flu>uM taūte iu tt,»nawl day or thc llonorx\l l!e«vd of tlie moiln il u of ihe ivojk . \vli « !,i, k v>l l owei' viij -mii.l .uk! the v*)io!e \v,-r!,!