Nuhou, Volume I, Number 25, 20 May 1873 — A Colonial Loan [ARTICLE]

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A Colonial Loan

For the benefit of thii< Archipelago would V; ia\forcd for polieieal reasons. We do not bclievt that money ie going a begging in the Col *nies i-: fchjree or four per ecnt.; and it may bc that perba|» eix or ecven pcr eent. arc paid in manv cascs; but we belicvc that iu order to us t < -our indcperidence and prc6eive tb_ nc}itrality of this pori, thac a loan of one 01 mpre miliione would be guaranteed at three cent, Now tjhe Ooloniea wouM help l-» 4s to keep us independent, whilst Anierie;. or a cer|ain politieal epint of Ameriea would lik» to|hav/us remain out in the eold until we weiv frqzen out of our independenee» Now it ie seSfinterest whieli dietatess both and oui own too; and ae we |iave a native populativ.n whieh cannot very soon be persuaded lnto a sulrender of their }>olitieal inde|)endeiiee, we bettcr cuitivate an aßBo|eiation whieh is intere*k .1 in;enriehiog ut« now. Kotliing is more fea6iblc. and nothing morc dear£hle fbr us than this Culo nial Kxm. Let «s unitc on this Oolonial loan, and a Oolonial rceiproeity—ihe pursuit of whiiU wip not interfere wlth our ehanees for reelprvH:uy the United States of Ameriea,