Nuhou, Volume I, Number 25, 20 May 1873 — Honolulu to be Forever a Neutral Port. [ARTICLE]

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Honolulu to be Forever a Neutral Port.

; Wuulil £llit tl*C ol Ulv\l % iliU3tO ilko ' t!mt of the SUUe« ofSoutjli AmerieiV, wouU T>c dc- , v<irod!)j the Colouies of j ; a«vl ou£ht !tobo ia lmvmotiy wllli ;t!ie eulightenevl lilī- ' eral ol t!io Vnited Sti\tes of Amer- ' iea. But woukl )iave us believe tlmt Amer- | iea wauts to make of an Aa»erie:ui rovt» anJ \u Aimiieau - )Vc oatmot >ee i

an| T resfcon for tuī- unlp? it 16 thc object of t!i Great Repub!ie to arru)iic an aggic6«ive attitu-.1. in thc Paeii'e; jmd ,this we eann-i bel:cve. Ai*ierica will bc ii"t the ud.vai]ceiij':nt vl hci| contincnral policy fyr thc next ]juudteJ . and she ean liave n-j «j»!ijoet ?n ineurring and iu heavy rc>|«<ji)Hbiji- | fciej> here in mid oceari| unlc6S nhe rcatiou | āiiu', whieh shc hae hostilc intcrvcnli ; | ■ in |thid Archipclagv>. S|ht ean alwa)S havc in th,iand on the*e all the accummodtttior<*« ( uf p, dcpot or entrcpot wliieh siic ean dcsirc, an J. h.e? pwn enterprise anjl favorabk opportunitii- | will give her the preeminence in PaeiHe anl [ ABptic eommeree whieli the may hope lur. 11-.; I ambitious |>oliticians, janu many of her peuplu i maiy wkh to ind\ilge the merc of terriioi rial acquigition even in rcmote e-eiii; bui I we are &atisficd that her thou2rhtful etatosme": I i i and hcr wiscst people, jwIII nofc bc contcnt to eipend vast Bums for a co(5llj Xaval Sfcation, whieu eould not be held agaiijst Europ>can flccbs 111 tui - ! H<Wsphere, when thej ean obtain all the navLl ! aud eommeieial facil«li{>- that eau bc de£ii jLI !:• ! Hcfnoiulu-as a neutral Port.