Nuhou, Volume I, Number 25, 20 May 1873 — We Want a Holiday. [ARTICLE]

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We Want a Holiday.

Wc have boeu in t|icsc Islaiids ncai!y t\vi. iu ycjsr«. AVc brouglit no eupihil iuto Uiem, but so|ue cspcriciicc aud | tolerably rc«»lute liciirt. scttlcd upou an ishmd, whieh iid ūot at the of our ai'rival cs]jort oue dollar's worth of ai |y produet for reveuue, but only esehanged souiē,poultrj for a little poi for subsietencc; but uow Jts yearij esportjof wool, eiieep, bulloeks, hc|rbeB f hiacs, skius, to| about littecu dollurSj besides the familics of this eowu with nearly all their turkeys. In the proii|otiou of this we may s;tv mogna pars Auiuue, tl!iat is we wcre a large p«.ut i n l that muss. Aud we have planted' eevcral thousand trees, aud mjjriads of uew grasses wLeie uone grew before. We bave madc the i,..-c and thc lili' to blos£oui in that Lanai Wiklen;,.-. aijd we have brought sheep, and other ereaturcs frj)m foreign lands, to add to the produetioii ol' Kiugdom; aud all tliis vve have wakevl up ilie forgotten dead pf these islos, iuid writteu ti-U'ies about them \vhjeh may be renieiiibon\i "»v tbosc who liave notl|iug else to thiuk about; and lastly and leastl_y- we ha\e pulili-h--ed the Nunou, a quarter aswe {uoinu-c>l. besides these at howe, oui tu\kvj ahiOiUl have bcen •• tjuite onerous because vvc '><<' tor a nx-iproeity lreaty, wriiiug ui\ny i of uewspai)ei' tu:tieles, aud several aifd stntements of sta|ustics wit!iout oue v\>nt of W. «u»<i for tlieee rtasous aud uiiuiy i ui]oro wo might adduee, we thiuk it is lime that wp should take a littlq recreatioii. I | ihcrelbro we ask jxruiission of a geuer\'tis | pyblic tQ graut us aiii aWuee of t\vo weeks to | Ti|e»t tho vokauo, whieli we liave iie\er wu, hi*l | wjo prouiise to to work when \\c icturn for oui- | own nnd thc publie jo«xl, aud for our expeufvs I wl»ilst abscut, we arv happy to lve aele to «n- -. nounee that \ve shall be euabk\l to ura\v ou the Mnai ap}\ropriation for wool. ' W'o trust tliat our ij>.iuest for a tnp to;; I w{U bc as we have gol tl:e «.\>usvm v | our tauiily; aud that a C:sptious wī;l . U\kc t j \>