Nuhou, Volume I, Number 25, 20 May 1873 — What Mr. Nordhoff Says [ARTICLE]

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What Mr. Nordhoff Says

j In his interesting hook aboufc Southern Oali^omia,, | shou!d also be borne in mind bj the invalid in | coming to this countrj—to carrj along {i a cheerful and an enquiring eplrlt." Cheerfulness is worth perhaps a little morc among the kanakae than among the mosfc'of people, and your enquiring Bpirit ean continuc for a long time to find out something new in our six thousand equare miles of territory, And what is said of. Santa Barbarian weathcr, maj bc more justly said of ours, that it is alwajs fincTTor a*iiealthy person, and but seldam congenial to an invalid wlio has the leasfc bit of intemal ; Ayherevcr you go, you nced to take wifch jou a cheerful and also an inquiring spirit. The whole of Southern California is full of noveltic£ and wonders to an intclligent person ; but often- | est he mußt discover them for himself. You will | not iind highlj cultivated and ornamented gardens; but irom January onward to Junc, 3-ou will, if you havc eycs for them, diecover in your ramblcs a eueeeeeion of beautiful, and to you new wild flowcrs. Theatres and other places of amusemcnt you will not find in"the towns I have mentioncd ; but for all healthful open-air enjoy-! ments you will have estraordinary facilities, beeauee the life is frec and untrammcled. You are expected to do what you please ; horees are eheap; roads are almost invariahio excelient; every plaee has a good livery-stable ; you ean get competent guides; and you carry with you, wherevcr you go, fine mounlain secncry, bright sunshine, — so constant that, when I remarked to a citizen of San Diego that it wtie a finc day, he iookeel at roe 111 amazement, and said, aficr a pause ? 44 Of eouree it is a fmc day ; why not? Every day is fine here. v Moreover, at all these plaees you will meet pleasant, and hospitable people, who will aud somewhat to your enjoymciit. Sauta Barbaia hae even a oireulating Thcfe are good scliools for ehildren, if yoja :havc with you ; and with a little enterpria v to plan your time will not hang hēavily on luuidt?."