Nuhou, Volume I, Number 24, 16 Mei 1873 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

EP' Captain Babcock took clmrge of the Kij lauea fov this trlp to wiiKl\vartl, After her reJ turn she will be laid np for repali*?. The funeral of Captain-McGregor took plaee on last Thursday afternoon, The eei*Yices over his remains took plaee at St. Andrew"s Tempoi'ary Cathedral. llonor to tlie memory of the faithfui Captain who died at his poet. u Be on the Bide of Chnst, and try to suffer wlth Christ." We listened lately to these words, and what do they mean ? To take it easy m a pulpit and a buggy and talk of duty ; or to go daily into ts among the ignorant and the vile and to try and lead them to a better life?

"ĒP' How ean a man moffieekeepseeret6 f when he Is obliged t<s> go to Tom, Dick and Harrj, to read and write his despatches? A Minister or Diplomafc fullj equal to the oecasion ean keep a closemouth f and only let his diplomaej be known j achieved results. j §gp A lady eaid to an indefatigable flatterer ; I" ¥ou cannot eall me an angel as jou have ealled otlierB, on account of mj crooked nose.'" 44 Yes,' he said, " when you fell from lleaven you lit upon the most prominent part of your features. ,? Samoa Islanbs. —Aeeording to latest aeeounle fpthe intertribal war still eontinues. Tn a late engagement, 40 of one party were killed and decapitated. The Weslejan 3lission evidentiv

has Dot # done mueh to eubdue tbe savagorj mul feAcifcy of the Samoanss. ! broßADic Oholeka lx 1i ienka will bc terrible news for thoee mtereētej iu tlic graod luiemationai Exposition. The plague wheu ēpomāie k probab!y more alarniing thau >vhea epUemie; beeause in the former eaee it leap from plaee to pluee, aud.Btrike« itB vietiiu iu thomidbt of Ihe liealthy f whereas In the latter ease it §imply eoutinue« to estend it® ravag<b from a eertaiu t?tarliug poitit. Our leproay ik dr«mdl\il but uot uear so temlyiug to everj iu the couutry. We have eeen the dead carU go iu eou tiuued proees|iion with their loada of dead liiieu. We hope that the great Tieima Espodtion wiU uot he iutorn.ipted bv ihh tmiMe

. J | . ; ; -p I . TIiC Baiid wiil plaj at Eioma Squaie tu|morrow aftemoon at 5 o|clock. is tbe ;progmtnme, to Conelude v?ith a March arouud | the |3quare: j i ,i ....... »,«.«»»»»»».btr2uss Pilgrirn Chorus—Opera Taniilfau.ser.*.*..*.*.Wasner Aifj|a v oUe.... |. Kirg Louis XIII Alua;Puluohe Olioli—Concert Hlka. ...Berger Aust)pian Funeral March, (by r^<juest),... „ Laube Blue lßeard Qua<lrille. Offeiibacb ! : —4— ; fjj§T Who isgomg to be dry nuree to the Cabi when tlie Chaueellpr is gone? We objeet to a|iy of our judgeB beiijg oeeupieīl \vith this Lib and;tueker political We want a smatt businesB man whp is a power among the eoeoanuts to keep the 51inisterial 6uckling6 in i their cribB, and to ruii this one horse emnne ' : O T 1 — What a tragedy jand eomeuy around m; thc Jiorror« of the leper |gettlement, the ainusing flirtationB of the academics, —the Btruggling witii j the jdead load of interesjt; and the canting blandishmenfcs o|f those who help io pj.le on ihe load. The hotel and the hospital; and the altar and the grave all oceupied and enibufc the hospitaljand the grave are rathjer the best business, j We heard oi' a woman who jumped oS' tliq wha|rf the other daj, to jswim after her husband # whom they were carrjmg awaj to the leper limbo on jMoiokai, What wojuld jou da # iutel!igent, sensjtive fbreigner t if thej were earrying oā'jou|r ,deatj hußband, \vife. or c|auglitcr?—We would— we woukl oh, -\vc darc not $ay \vlu\t wewoiili *>• | :