Nuhou, Volume I, Number 24, 16 Mei 1873 — Interest is our Taskmaster. [ARTICLE]
Interest is our Taskmaster.
! And a hard and bitter one too. Juat think how | many kegs of sugar; how many bales of wool ; | how many hides and BkinB ; how manj hulloeks i and sheep ; liow nmeh 'coffcc, gvam, fvuit ov other | produee ; nnd ]iow mueh loil of hand and brain ] everywhere mnst go for interest. You bave I worked hard and late, ainl after mueh sweat and j toil have got your produee ehipped ; and perhaps | the wife or eome one of the familj bas ligured un ! tbc niee return for this shipment, !>ut }'ou s)iake | jour head and say, that all ha* fco go for Interest, j And you think of ifc eaeh day,—in every opevation,'the homhle taskmaster, like the old man of thc sea is aBtraddle of your neek and reminding you of your taek, and driving you to It, Bbaks | him off, ehake off this old man, who i« perehed |on top of you, ealm and Bmooth a I morn. whilst you are gronnmg and sweating ! your life'S blood at the rate of 12 per eent. Shake | him off your neek, shake him off the eountry, aud 1 seek the pleasant eompanionship of 5 per eent., 1 who will help to pull yon aloug witb a go!d n string. ' Rut better <ar my friend t if you are to have nnythmg to do with any InteK*t wliatever 3 that lt »hall bc yotir ?ervant t your Klave, paying tributo unto you, i>ut ncver a? your tai?kmaBtei\