Nuhou, Volume I, Number 23, 13 Mei 1873 — CITY NEWS. [ARTICLE]
The rest of tbe dispateh from tbe Secretarj of State, will probably be published by tbe Government press to-morrow, We did nofc give more tbau lialf of it—qdlj the principal pomts» ae we have not room iu our circumscribed and mluable space, for more tlian essential particulars. We give the heart and pith.of a matter, and the big fellows give you the bark and othēr outeide trash. ĒiP Beecher eays that there are {S nofc enough j honesfc men to go round, ■' that is, to eupply the j offiees of the land, Why is this, when there are |so many brilliant Beecbers and other teachers in hll tbe ebiirebes of <?Im§t? Because now, it is fāshioßāble tō be <k'?iomina!hmauy religious 4 and the ehurches are erowded with hypoerites. In the daye when it was dangerous to avow faifch in Christ, the churehes were full of brave and honest xnen. Let there be jsome better test of rclithan the rental of a pew aud the regular attendanee at a lashionat)!e ehurch. 4 Laki) Break o\ Lanai. —Capt. Doanc, of the schooaer Princc % having observed ou last Friday night, an enormous break !rom the l)luff of Palikaholo on the eouthern shore of Lanai. He was nearly two distant from the land # vet the roar of sound \\a* \ery guat followcd by elouds oi dusi and , uud for maiiy mluutos there was a great ewell |and agitatiou of Uie sea arou«u the ycsscl, !here may have been a dight dioek of earthquakc on the islahd, When we felt- shoeks iu ISCS, broke off fwm Ihia lofty blu<T, perhaps SOO feet |īigh, a portiou ttlUx .au area on toj> of about oue-thii\l of an aeie
! llotel Akrivals, slnce May Btb.—Mr. and Hallidaj, R. Ejicbardsori, 11. Rus£ell, I). New Zealanfl ; Thos. nender&jn, Jr., Auckland; Mr. and Mrs. Pereival, Canterburj. H. |N. Grecnwell, Haypaīi; J. L* Kicbaxdson t Kahuku; J. A . Hassinger } citj. $5,000 for Foreign SjEßvicE.—This fund Is employed, a-nd had hetter remain than be epent by soihe Bineciirisfc at "\VaBhingtorL, Sara" toga, or Bangor. But if ihe gOYernment wlll again gquander money bn a Congressional lobbj» or ;to iee eome incompetent diplomat, then we cry, hal?es. Waste in the .East» if you but send one-half |in <mpable hands to negotiaj;e among "Ihe igles of the Soutlmest that vrait fbr|us, and will jofti hapds v?lth us llke willing brothere, —j pp Followmg ia the programme for the Hoiel Promenade v ; Concert fo? Thursday nest, to eomme|ice at p. m. ; | I - I : ~ ■ ; j ?4|BT I. Ha#al!an 3larcli ..... * .Ceale ) Fin^le— Opera Belisarlo .Bonizefcli j Gadj Ui M«iroy llcar My ~...White Thefre is But One Imperial City t > n , ! Th«re is But One Vienna f (new)......Btrau»i i ' I - ■ I Txtr ii. | Selebtion~Opera Hug uenots. ,Me7erh#er ( Beauty of the Alhambra— Tk*| Maii Carrkr iu the Woods—Eeao Pieee, Cuew)..Sch*u.ircr j Freneh Quauri11e...........|. .Ber«< i j Obperve that we will imve a new eeho pieee, one j whieh delighted liateners so mueh the eoueerfc belore fche kst one. j { We don't think you ean persuade the j natives to consent to tU ceseioii of Pearl Harb<.r j whpn they ean seeure the advantages of a remujnei}atife free market without any such eessiai, j an4 they will very eoon brand as an enemy the jmap who tries to persuade them to eede an ineli jof their territory to a R>reign power.