Nuhou, Volume I, Number 23, 13 Mei 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
NEW GOODS jREDUCED PRICED : Choice Selection Direct from Paris, j - ! OJV VIEW THIS DU ♦ SPLENDID SILKS, 'I - j: ■ I ijjEAL LACES, ■ ; : ; JOUVIBrs & JOSEPHINE S KID OLOYIS LADIES' UNDERCLOTHINO DRESSES, Richly Trimmed, CHILDREN'S DRESSES AND HATS ' '1: - I .FRENCH CAMBRICS, FRENCH BIQUES, WHITE. A FEW CHOICE FAXS A, S. CLEGHORN & CO.'S Fort St. Store. AT THE CORNER STORE WILL BE FOUND A I Choice Asst. of Gentlemen's Wear * ! «H"St RECEIVED EX ICA .1101 AXD 1). C% JIITRKAY, iTTNIiKRfHIRT? AND DKAffEKS, ALL GKAPES. J «©ck TifiSj Socks find Susp^nd^rsuperior to asy ! n miatry, » fine 0 f Cloth^ A Full Assortment of loots and Slujes! White Linen Suits, Wlf ite Bali Vests, Glcves, A fine assortment of Hemmed Handkerchief, | white and colored border, I I A Qe new cf Wliiw Socks * 50iii£l!ii££ MF, JA- sspienaiti i.ot oi STeeli Scais: { I, IB Silk, IbjjUa, Ctoih, Alpaca &cd Ccacs, j | A few large sue whalplvne rmbrcUa*, jOOI#D AND PI*ATBP OLKMK AMBlu i L j £lee?e Buttons, &u l S etrve BuUes^ j k MRW 10T OF PIXASA HATS, STKAW ILU>, | i <j«s. H*ts, j i Shirts of superior Quality, j V* to £v) , Uudtniurks Crcai 3<5 to inches # torn and J&oei ftm No. 5 to U> Iruiiks, Yrtisw ! JLXDIUBLVS FKRruUE^ &***. IVittfci** %T\v\ T?air OHs, TN\ TN i'.h- \m r»ms^c 5| tV best $i;c«e ... I Wim* O(Mt R&tS&iits in Socks-. |%* i-ACr Evmrutsvi rovsi> [ j WKIiL APPOINTED fVRMSUIXa <1001>S 5I0KI; jCsll a«a IN#«!n?, He Tn?tV:e to Show C«*hL; ! m. McINERN Y