Nuhou, Volume I, Number 23, 13 May 1873 — The Eclipse [ARTICLE]

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The Eclipse

! Wcnt off on Sunday night accor('ii)g f« prv- | gr4mme. We had a good look from tbe liok-1 | obscryatory. At> the 6hadow deepened \\ e <:*>• ( pected to bear the clash gongs and kctn<> : t • 1 we have li9.tened in Chine*e tuwn* ou hiui I N occasions. Thc ChjDcsc imdgiDC that dragon is idwgoo»ing the modu, Tbere wae ao aetronomieai doctor on hand, who said that ihe was doing as weli ae could be cxpected, aft-i Wu\± | delivered of a sun.

1 ■- ■ ; " ! j Improvement IX STOCK.-We noticed BOGIC YtiJ £ne I loDg wooled Lcicester South Down ennep | the JYebrasha whic|i Capt. Harding \s carrvīu^ |to hiB ranch in California. The fleeccs of sup;j rior Bheep of these graaes, or of the inenno, aro | from three to elx dollare eaeh in Caiiforni'a t or the Britieh oolonieie We who havc good j pa|ture6, and* are so reiuotc from a niarkct ehoulu : rai|Sc none T>ut the ]jL-bt gradec. But ats the moei of tif^raneheros > as wellj as p!antation oegui: without capital, we ha\o heen doing a good dcal j of ;experimenting with inferior matciial, at ttic i expensc of a considerablc wasto of lahor. But j ev<pj man who is oiu o|f deot, and is not barritd bj a elaniorous agent, buj improved stock with everj dollar of |his surplus means. We not to have a eheep on these iHlands 4 whieh j prpduces a fleecc worth less than two doilars, and | aSjWe hate certainlj lands to grazc onc j million head of superior wool we ought to | gej; all our preeeifE ineonie frcm thi- etock alone. ; Gct out of debt, and ieep out ul dcl>t, aud gci | of scrub eioek. A eheep that is worth onty | twenty-£gfe ecnts a jear, eats as mueh as one that j prpduees five dollars a ,jear . i__. ■ - !

j .-jGF" A Diarriage used an advertisem€i)t 10 } colleet money to build a churoh. Rov. Dewiu j Ta|lmage, the w.ell-knojvn pastoi\of the ,Brookljii j Tabeniaele lately lurped down, got up a fair ai(,l in rebuilding tLe edifiee. Among other efhe advertised for a eouple to be marrLi during the fair ; who should reeeive a piano au l J thk?ir wedding drēsses whiui were to !>e Is. | the style of tlie last century. A 1 fiftj ei)uplt > ; ajiplied, but the lot fel|l upon James and | Wi!letts of Stam!brd County, who were tcii ! «p in grand old-fashiobecf style aud tlius marrīea !as 5i ehow. A large ei*owd of the male patrons ef ! thb fair f saluted the t>ride aceordiug to the old ! faMiion; and thus in of the ! mkmber of tiekete eolil for sueh an oeauion, the ! «howmnn oijit Barnumed Barnum, an.! !mkde a good thing out of t!:e weddiu£ s]iqtv. j s chureh must all :t a show loi ] miin'e ilhieion given, M |

j Ti»irty lepers w|tc landeJ f:-om t!:e KiU: jat Kalauao last aod ciglit doubtiul j leprous cases wcrc l'r\)usht to īowu. This leprosj is Certaiiils tbc wont Ji!3lcul;j auā ilie I luiporUuit work willi \jthich thc OOYcruuicnt Li\s Ito grapple; tuid wc do|abt uot it must bc a scverc I ta;k ou the liauds of t 3linistcr of thc iuieiioi. I wUo is cstccuicJ a |iuuiauc aiul jast uiau, a|u<l I oue wlio has a teudcr it£\r\l for tlte nativc