Nuhou, Volume I, Number 23, 13 Mei 1873 — A Christian Hero. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Christian Hero.

sWe liayc often said, tbat tlic poor outeast lepere of Moiokai, witbout paetor or p!iysiei&u afforded «n opyortuiiity for tlie exeicise of a nolle Ohrititi>\u heroiaui; »uid vrc are ,liappj to tbat tbe liero hae beeu fouud. "Wliou Uie Kiuiuui toucb«d Kulhuwao kfit Svitui\iuj', Moiisci£iieur £iftigtet, uud Fatber Uauiieu, a Belgian prie«jt weut aebore. l'he Venerablc Bisbop udJr«sed tbe lepers witb mauy eomfortiug words, and iutroduoed to theiu the good fatlK>r, who had voluuteered t<. livo with tbem and for them, Father l)&mieu (ornu\l thie iwluUou at t!ic {ime, aud w«a lett u«>hore auioug tlie lopoi> wit!iout a houie or a obauge"of eiocpt &ueh as t!ie le{vre h,i«i to oflbr. W, e.trc tut wh«t thit> mau's (heo uiay l>e, !ie M»rt !v u \ Cbrittwn lu-ro l