Nuhou, Volume I, Number 23, 13 May 1873 — Spain Wants the Inch of Gibraltar. [ARTICLE]

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Spain Wants the Inch of Gibraltar.

Emilio Casfeelar, the great republioan orator of Spain, in a brillianfc epeeeli latelj, eaid; —" We | must preserve the islandß now in our posgessionB, |We do not wish—-let it he understood the world j over—-we do not wieh to annes an ineh wore of land, tinless it be the ineh of Gibraltar; we wish no mote, I repeat, tlian what belonge to ub —thc ineh of Gibraltar. We do not want one ineh more of land ? but on 'the other hand, we will not have an ineh less, not we! We will not eveu abandbn so inuehM the Eoek of Ia Gomera." i ' . . ■ ! Germany wanfcs the ineh of Hellgoland. Give |an ineh and an ell is wanted» Give a Pearl and the I whole setting will be wanted too. i