Nuhou, Volume I, Number 23, 13 Mei 1873 — A Cabinet Meeting [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Cabinet Meeting

Of about four lrours was held 011 Saturday last. The Ministers had litfcle more to bring forward for diseussion f e?eept whafc was contamed in the letter of instructions of the Amerieajt) Seeretary of St-ate, —some pointe of whieh were published in tbe. Nunoi; in our lasfc Friday*« i^ue. Nofc having any real queetions of foreign policy to preaenfc for the eoDsideration of His Majesty, leome of the Mlnisfcers oeeupied the Session with lengthened lecfcures on Y&rious mofal fcopies, We propose that a Ohaplain shall he appointed to at- j tend the Sessions of the Cabinet; and when there is nofching in the |K>rtfolio, wliieh is u6ually the, ai«e, a suffieient time shall be oeeupied to keep up an appearanee of bueines«, iu preaehing to the' Minietery. We pri>poee our Shepherd ae a eandi- j date for the duties of Pajstor to the 'All Saint« Oabinefc, He saye thafc he will do all the preaehing, write all tlie di6patches, and do the Minfeterial work of eaeh I)epartuient on a Chftplayi\s W*

I 5P "\\ hen yo\x have madc up your iuiu<J to l. ! i ; sjuietlHog, * top thiuking ** **eu- JackK*D. !