Nuhou, Volume I, Number 23, 13 May 1873 — Stagnation. [ARTICLE]

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Somc thoughtless people eoinplain of goverti~ meniiil stagnation, and expoct miolsters to run tl|b couutrj and QYoryhody y B business besides. Now, you grumblers, won't do anything to promote your neiglibor>( business, but quite the contrarj, and yet you cxpeet human imture to be iniinitely superior 111 a eabinet ehair to what it is in a mercantile offiee, TLiis is especting too mueh of your late brotber merehants 5 who have not only so mueh to learn 5 but a great deal to unleam, īhey have to unleam the unpatriotie eelfishness whieli animates tho counter; and to aequire the diplomatic intelligence proper to the portfolio. Thie may be a work of years, when the apprenciceship begins latc; but you men who prefer thc caution, respectability and incapaeity of mere i?apital rather than thc fruitful aetivity of ideas to help sueh a miscrable, impoverished, struggling little eountry, should not eomplain of stagnation.