Nuhou, Volume I, Number 23, 13 Mei 1873 — The Morning Star [ARTICLE]
The Morning Star
Is a beautiful craf(;, and it must be a pleasurc to sail in hcr. If we could cruisc in such a yaeht, wc would drop the Nuhou—indecd we would. What a beautiful illusfcrātion is this craft of the value of accumulated small eoina. More tban a hundred thoueand dimes, from morc than a hundred thoueand lisping babes, have rearcd thosc tapcring masfcB, and conBfcructed thoee lusurious cabms s in whieh men ean happily tour among tropic islcs ? and profitably trade with unsophisti~ eated savages. This beautiful vessel is however a little costly ; spending the past year some $8,085,51 for freight and passages, whieh might be accomplished for lialf the amount by charter; but then we would not have the beautiful craft of dimes, or the dimond star of the Sabbath babies, None of the expense mentioned is iucurred in llonolulu harbor, as the Government of this eountry vcry properly and eharitahly rcmits all oharges; and farthermore a largc qudta of the funds for the vessel are eontributeu by Honoluluans; and in this eonneeiion a question occurs to our mind—where are the eight and inore dollars spent? Here, among the .contributors and helpers, or elsewhere on other shores more profifcable for our Mormng Siar?