Nuhou, Volume I, Number 23, 13 May 1873 — Our Oceanic Neighbors [ARTICLE]

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Our Oceanic Neighbors

Of |sew Zealaiīd } and uiidcrst&hd u« bcttjer, and wou!d more|rcadi!j rcciprc><jat<: eu«i ineipal ad*amages, witliOut baviEg auj ult-ii jr poll|tleal Qbject in \iew 3 than our greai ritigliKii> of It is onljj a ?ery small portlon tj tbc laUei that understand. or care anjthmg ab'jut us. Yī hat do the Wcstefn or Southern poiitieianf: in Qungre6S carc aoout cocnuierce r#r even Btrategl« posUions In the Paeilie? How vou innbt fawn in the !obbies of thelr grarjd Congressiorsal Ba!h to induce ihem to give jou eyen a 6light contecDptti ous, attention, You are a beggar t!iat wants tr. cajQle ti2em out of half k million of reTenuei anu %qxx ean have nothmg as thej think 3 but jour whining thanks to ofFer in exchange: unless it inav be ihe Terj birthpght ot* jour pour de*pīa*l is!eBuj» how is it witt ihe j\ us tra]ian* at 1 tV NVv Zealanders;—with the men of ~) 1 Mel bourne, and Sjdnej? T|icjare eager to treat with us. Thej are in the san|e sea with u»?. thev dt\-n :. stcam communications our waj; thej need out and ean accpmraodate us wiih Enromanufactured even cheaper than wi cai}get direct from Euro}>ej thej particnlarlj desire ,that our Port s'uall ever remalD freLand neutral, and would|givc us help to keep it thej ha?e no multitude of great and conSictirig interests to make their di{Scult of prc>ach; thej would give us a readj and rdla ■ attention; we would not be beggars; but we w ouM be brothcrs offering a esehangQ, if piu prosing reeiprgeitj witji our Oeeanio neighb-u~