Nuhou, Volume I, Number 20, 2 May 1873 — CITY NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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S3T Six Ī3ack nambers|of tbe NliK'U, No?. 10. to 20|inclu8ive, einee the J &ailing ol tae Dakoia t : for q0 cents s at Thruin|e, to be obtained also from |tbe camer. | ! , ii 111. iI - ; Ne[st Mitt from the £ f OAST 4 —-We leam tbat| the bi.rk Clara R. Sutll to leare Ban Fran--cisco on or about tbe 23d |u1t.,..f0r thls port, an<l| bring a niaiL ! !■ | * §xij£AMER Edition.—A :Bteamer edit!on of tlie Paci)īc Commercial Adverlis€r will be issued ioday ready lor mailing. For eale at the bookstore3 and also at the offiee of publieaiion. ww ToNED.~That's what a Soutberu: papejr says about eable vē Florida # who ,eell their Buffrage for a fifty eent bandana liandkerchiefi; but what would lie say of the tone tbat will |sell a vote fbr a twonty-£ve eent bundle of; pai aji or taro? Whieh ik a laet. i - ■, • | No one but a coward wiil slaiider a or speak evil in a newepaper of any womim. And it is worse than eowurdieq to aid wiehoui provocation in giving eireulatio;n to sueh §lander. We| do iiot waut to eorreet eueh a goat wltli our| croo!4 ? but with a pitch fyrk ora muek rake. . ■ Nuuov back number6j| eompleie to date am| readv to mail by eteamj?r, ean be obtained at| Thrupi'e book-ētore lbr $1.50. Also a lew morq j eopiep of the Lunalilo papei\ cost one dollar» ai>d lwith'baek numbers of will be sold ibr js2.o(p. The portrait of |lIIe MaJeßty the King f | jcabirjet size ie the best !likexiess ever taken hi j this <pity. Send it to youjr Mends, j Tll|e Taisoo AgainsT C;hristiakity Eroko !> j Jafa:x.—Xlso Dai-jok-wan (the Imperial _Governiuent) dcerees that the against ChriiLiainty. are no longer to be and lo be removed froiu llie publie ediet boiirds. We will socu be hearing of St. at Jeddo, Trinity at llakc dadi; and the Fir«?t ;Cot\gregacional Cliure!i, of Niphon, "Poia* anp GnEsk. , '-| Under this tiiio tho l f . \\ orld of Gushir,r , ■ ; A j: ■- • -v\with no home addrps f but wiiha good dea! of abroad. Tueji are ei»wding fas!nona- ! hle rosovts iu Aiuerie;\, and especu\lly tvVtvly t! o old fogie« who havo u blunt or buttoue.' % jTliey are on thc uiake," aud >v 111 $touiaeh any60 they ean p.vket sōmething and eau maiugo to u dead head | at\m\Kl the country |Honoluhi iuust be beconiing a ss fa<!uona-'!e ivj sort; 1 ' because we have $een $ouiel;ung of tV»o jkiud on our vevdant $horc*. We ha\e giv<e for the foivt£u *ho fox«t v 3, |