Nuhou, Volume I, Number 20, 2 May 1873 — Along the Wharves. [ARTICLE]

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Along the Wharves.

British bark Spavrowhawk lies at tlie fartlier end of the Esplaivade, 6tīll uiKlergohig repairB, Ameriean bark Cauiden lies at ihe Esplaxiade front dieeharging lumhei*. Sehooner Jenny at the eorner of the Esplanade will get off this afternoon for Koloa and Waimea, Steamer Costa I\ien is loadingat her wharf and espeeta to get off thie afternoon for San Franelseo. : >6ehooner Pauahi is undergoing atterations and overhanling at E-ohineon'e "wharf. Whaling ehip Jireh Perry 1 ies stem on at Brewer's Vrharf nearly ready ā)r sea, Bark D. C. Murray discharging at the same wharf. Sehooner Kinau afc ihe old iee-house wharf> will get off this allemoon fbr Māliko. Sehoonef Luka Hes at the old Custom4ioiise wharf. Sehooner Uilanm is loading at the wliarf to Bi\il to-day for Kona aud Kau. Brig Wm, 1L Allen taking ōatile, and provender on hoard ?it ihe eanie wliarf to 6ail to-ua£ TahitL British bark LightfooL !ies $tern on at TH>~ beU £ Sorem?on*is wharf, a\\ uiting ovder><. Brig ī)nward has laken a hcrth at w!uvrf aud h lxnn& overhauh'l