Nuhou, Volume I, Number 20, 2 Mei 1873 — PASSENGERS. [ARTICLE]
From San Frāncisco—Per D. C. Murray 5 April 30th—Mr P C Johes, jr, Col Z S Spalding and wlfe, A *F White and wiie» Jolm Siemsen and wife, N O Gallagher, Mr Keveney, M H Thoms<, Mrs Paty, Mr Damou, John Kellett, Capt James Smith, Jacob Wolder, N S Curtis, D Renton, C Leonard, H Biedeman. For Sax Francisco—Per Costa Rica, May 3d—Hon 5 H Phillips, wife and child, C A Willkims } wife and 2 children, Miss I, E Bigelovr, Geo II Williams, Thos Arundel, N C TVill- ! fong } R W AndrewSjM Ilyman,T Grusendorfj Lieut Commander L Kemplf, Mr Johnson, wife and four children, Mrs Mason and S ehihken, Misa Coombc, Mrs C A Castle and 2 children, Mrs C Coīeman, K G Shurtlilf and wife, J M Byram, J W T akefield, Johu do Fries aud son, F II Bieknell.