Nuhou, Volume I, Number 20, 2 Mei 1873 — MEMORANDA. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


RĒPOUT FROM STARBt€K ISLAND. Brit ship Geo Thompson, from Honolulu, arrh'ed Oct llth *, diacharged 500 lons ballast anu loaded 1,550 tons guano: sailed Nov Bth. French ship France Cherie ol Borcleaux, from Tahiti, ar-' rived Dec Sth, and ealled on the 2Sth Pt j c wiih l s oso ton» gunno for Evtrope , Brit bk R\ce]sior, from Ilonolulu, arrived ,lan 3d } and f»aīled foi Europe Feb lOlh willi 600 tons guano, II Benicia and b.k I> C Murray both arrived in San Francisco from thi3 port April 611), the fjnner 10and the latter \ 17 days paesage, ' | Bk Ka Moi had taken a full load of grain at f?an Franciseo, ■ and was r<yidy for sea Apnl luth.