Nuhou, Volume I, Number 20, 2 May 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HAWAIIAN HOTEL! *•>•' / "" -." " --s^ «> »>Vvt, '♦>,■*,' •*.,< *, J ! ' •££ U>«C'vl U' -IL V." ™ 112 v A. HERBERT, : : PR'OPfgSETOK. j ' ' I 112 piIIS has become the most popular institut lon of ] this city. It is the which recommends us ' most to the favorable consideration of strangers. ' j Everyone who arrives in Honolulu indulges in an \ | expression of surprise to find so large, so elegant, i j and such a well appointed Hotel. It cost a good 1 j sum, but it is well worth the money. The chief i projectors and promoters of the building were ; blamed tor having erected such an extravagantly i large edHiee but before a year has expired since it | was opened it is frequently fwmd to be too small to j j accommodate its throng of £uests»-*~and the prQprii el or is about to erect four adjacent cottages to meet s lhe demand upon his hospitality. j Travelers from all parts of the world who are now brought here in comfort by the commodious steam(ships of the Australian lnu,vvy unanimously that I there is no house of publ e entertainment on the Pacific coast, or in the l>i» -h Colonies which surpasses in point of comfort and elegance the new ' Hotel, The building is lighted with gas, The Hiuin* I Room is a spacious noble hall, and can at table, The parlor is furnished luuuiously, and has a superior toned piano for the entertain meat of There N a Milliard Saloeu 'provided ! with three Sthrale & C\>,*s patent n tabh«s. j The Bed-rooms are all furnished with sluing mat- ■ tresses, and Useful sets of furniture, with cold aud warm, and shower baths attached, Thero are no extn for conveyance of guests between steamer and Hotel in coining and going; and no extt ach for removal of or other extra seivieo Charges per Day, $3.jQO; , p?v Mdut h, S6O 00