Nuhou, Volume I, Number 20, 2 Mei 1873 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
HiL') Pa€lvET.—Walkoi- dc Alien anU othorr3 iiavo pnrcha-;ed the llne pohoonoi* Pauahi, iho yacht of.His ktc Majcoiy Kameliaweha V, ?ind vnll nin her as a packct on tho Ililo route.llo'īei» Arhivals oiaeo April 29tb.—V, B. Gates, M. D., 0. E. Cary, San Franchsco; ISathaii C. Wilfong, Wailuku; Rev. A. F. WLHe arid wife; 001. Z. S, Spalding and wife, Hose iianeh; Capt. Jamcs Smith, John Kellett, W. M. Moi*Be, San Franeisco. ——- ' Waikiki Sea-side and Ext unsu>N\ —Tho hotel fient two earri«ges fu 11 of «xcarsionists to tliĪB pleasant bfVt:hing reßorL \estorday. This is the Long Braneh ol Honolulu. Tho hotel guests have a ride, toweh for a hath, and luneh provided for fifty eeni^, Tiie Clip of Wool for ihe islands thie year uill show eonsiderable increase, and soine improveiuent in 'ptaplo, owing to abundant rainsand jz;ood pasturc during the year. We understand that the whole erop is Bold, with perhaps one exeeption, at priees ranging from 12, 13.J, 14, and 1G to 18 cents. . The Costa Bica «aile to-iuorrow at noon with a full cargo. This boat has awakeneel a very popular feeling in this c.ommunity, whkh i8 owing to its superiorand t;afe construetion, and to the eonMenee re|3osed in 0 pt. Lapidge, We liope to eee this popularity sustained, and thc Costa Rica run as a regular ferry vestel hetween San Francisco aud Honolulu. I / -7-—«' . j Crofs are full of promige. We havc abundant late rains. The ripening-caue will turn j this year, and the yield per aere will no doubt be equal to the bcst years. The sugar < i rop lor nest year will bc large,—at least 15,000 tons or .30,0.00,000 ibs; whieh we divide among ilie islands as follows : Maui, 7,500 tons ; Ilawaii, 4,380 tons ; Kauai, 1,850; Oahu, 1,500 tons. This estimate is fully 25 per cent,, infiide of the CBtimates of the planters themselves. Our next year"s crop ought to be worth in this port at least £1,500,000. — A Row at Punahou,—That niee little <{ thumb }>aper *' ealled the Punahou Jouma!> printed and eyidently wrftten by the sehool boys of our eollege, has a question on liand—the suspension of two esteemed boys for uot being informers. It| Heems that there is a cat»in-the-easc—a tcnder little tabby—some pledge perhaps of puppy pasmou, and one- malus puer touchcd perhaps by the vcrdant opticked moneter was so unleeling as | t'o daub this feline with a dab of poi, and so poisonpoorpussy , spretty pclisse wiih a cataplasm. Boy, have you no bettcr use for poi than to plaee a jcat'iu mieh a cātegory ? If we had taken part ni sueh n cat-aArophy we would own * up, and not let two bravcsehoolmates suilbr fbr not telling on our catoptricks. Stand iorth young Cataline. i IloiiEN Ekos.-~Look out fcr niee eake and eu6~ tard, A native ovine mcrehant was scllini»: a baskot lull of hua moqs (eggs) yestorday at the lloieL Now Uerbei t may, or may not bea ,4 bad hut you eannot iool hiui wiih one, So, m sorting ovcr a big lot, ho picked out some that poppcd like a torp<Hio, and stunk like a skunk, nnd he was ehueking theni over the baleouy imo the baekyard. ,, M Aole, M says Kimo, |\you no tlu\>w away. I eell all stinky egg to Chinaman, who make plcnty m«i ono (doughnuts| wilh thew." !k>ys, this is a faet. So wiien you have to go in for & two hh blow out at Johirs }x\kau-1 kau, ti'v and get plenty of wine imuee to mu^ther,
Phi: N«.w':i.r I'aī.iiuhnia wiL m j \i r?h-rt ' ; in t'irr 1 fourclavfs aml wlll not our fc*uc]ot7ni«(! ! " 7 4/1 | l>uß\nct- j,oople nnm hcr? Admirat Pennoek hue : ; j)i<ict l f )t tf'p traek, ,? a&a Corre£pviHknt ; j wi it int witb our Kiug alone but with everj- • : hoil, li> eiml Mrs t Penuoek leave none hut ; : ant impveHßio«e in cvery cli*clci,and'tlie ugvee.iole | : aml aeeoiuplkeel oiHeers l»avo sharcd \\ith the j Aiimii'al jjis popularitj aud for bimilar rea«ons, j Tiie of California will after thi?? imve a, | douhle Bignification to our eare> and we shall | I hereafter take pleasure in notiug the advanee- | : ment and happiness of anj of our !ate most \ve3-! | eome and now departlng Californianfl \ J SSST!Wc notiee the departuro, per Cosfa Bica f \ of llon. S. li. our late Atfcornej Gen-| eral t alccorapanied hy Mie. Phillipß and ehild;; aiso, C. A. and family; Lienl. Com-• | mandor Kempli; of the Ca!ifbrnia; Mrs. Mason, j j with |hree children, who pioeeeds to join her j | hufihnnd, the Arehdeaeon Mason, who is winning | a well merited distinetion among the diurch | goers of San Franeisco as bemg Ihe most eminent I pulpie orator of their citj. Bufc he is something I more than that, a most fiiithful priest. About 1 | twenfy eahin passengers proeee<j in this ve6eel to ! | San Francisco. Bon voyage to our friend6, and a J j safe return of the steamer to liev irieQdt? in Hono-1 ; lulu. Hurrah fbr the Costa Ēiea and Captain! !Lapidge. |
-"- " : Peail ilaihoi-Lapo v. the | futiii4 Xavnl Siati'-n of the l'iiītr; 1 <!;it>-- in t ;.i- Arehi- ! pela&u, )a& a dvpt!i oi I-2 k*:t in port» uf thc- ; bafcin or el annel, and 1 could fjo;rt a large j Tho greate*t <»n u-o )j,n- i> J2 feet, and tbe | obistruction to he rfmovod 3s r»ll oujid. j Alcxaiider imieh overeitiDjatcf thc eo-i i,t £2»I 000,000. It is apparcr|t t«» thuv { . j JO j JdVC j more exlcLdtd ojportijnity to eaamine tlie . tiOQ of reef and other uVtructi<Ti> t<> bc rcui«jvet;l, 1 tha,t one million of d ( iUrr « tu | tht| opening of Ihin ljarhi.r iu >-hippiug of tht ! laijgest tonnage. j