Nuhou, Volume I, Number 20, 2 Mei 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]
< THURSDAY\ MAY 1, 1873. The animalion in busiucss circles duriiig this weeli is in pleasing contiast to tliat of those. recently pi*ecedlng, althoag]i we learn of i|pthing\speci„al i.n sales to note, Our coasters are now fully oceupied in brlnging prod«ee to market, all the plaiUations'heing worked to their full eapacity and furnishing tlieir quota, so mueh so that storage therefor handy to x the \vhar.ves w*as becoming scarc?. The loadingof the steamer Cosia Rica will relieve us of about 8,000 kegs «sugfir ? 'and ihe 1). C, Murray wiii also take a full cargo, loadhig wifli dispatch, and thus ease our warehouses, Schooner"Po7tfl£* , t?hanged hands on Monday last to Messrs, Walker »& Allen and others. The favorite packet jD. C. Nurroy s now under command of Captain A. Fullerj arrived off the port during Tuesday and eame in to her doek next morring. She brought a large freight, valued at over $25,000, and a large passenger llst. Schooner Page, Captain Morse, anchored ofT the ]iarbor yesterday aftemoou, 29>days from San Franci«co, for eupplies of salt, water, '&e., aud sailed again this inorning ou her cruise of cod fishing. The auction trade salc yesterday at C. Bartow ? s >vas materially interfered with by the arrival of the Murray % and its oontinuation is advertised to toke plaee on Saturday, insteail of Fridav as first announced. !Steamer Costa Rica is advertised to leave to-morrow afiernoon for £an Francisco, and will take the most valuable cargo ■yet earried -Uito that poi;t fronv this plaee. I]ritish bark $parroichtiwJ>- is stilī undergoing repairs and alterationa, and nVay not be able to get a\vay before the early part of next week.