Nuhou, Volume I, Number 20, 2 Mei 1873 — Spirit of the Press. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Spirit of the Press.

Gazctte of t!io 3oTli u'U., Las h vnluab!''> co!urun deßerii.-ticn of the IlobeJ, rt wit 1 a !nrgc out.—lts Wtder dißeusso.-: ih*: "to ns:tīgntc,'' and'wc agroc wil'i it -i': ' point, that thc pruvi»«ion'» of such a hiw 11 '•.? includo both 6cxcb." ' 'lhio Fricnd of tbie cofitttĪDb a verv ir« : >; I estW article about thc | c New Tobtamerit tnui«]n I todt%ito the Gilbert Tml?itkl >• j" Hißtorical sketch" o( this hj tLo | Hey. H. Bingham, Alep 44 Home fbr apprei)tict,'s j in Liverpool," aml 44 Agriculturai Labors in | lanjJ. j; |v■ :; | The Adr.eriiser issuoß a 6tcūLQer edition tc—lav