Nuhou, Volume I, Number 20, 2 Mei 1873 — Cross Purposes [ARTICLE]
Cross Purposes
!Of all crosseg, these are the most baffimg; be-* l caase ieueh are nofc wrongs that you ean fight, i j You .are thwarted, and yet you canuot 3ay your * j finger upon an enemy, It was your neglect; or j ! perhaps a friend eāme, you know not iiow, be-' i tween you and another frieiid, And you think| i "ifc might have been; ? ' but you were baffled, and | f you know not how or why,'.by cross purpo6eī% !
j His Majcsty let't the town mandori } Ilai-1 j moipo, yesterday (br His sea eide residence at| | and wiil return to town again to-day.! j Hie Majesty, we are happy to state, ie io the eu-' j joynient of very good healfch, j j Personal. — We- nofcice ,wifch pleasure tlie | rcturn, with itnproved bcalth, of Col. Spaldmg! j and his lady» \\ r c nlso weleome the return ofi j Capt. James āmiUi, our well-known packet eom- J |mander, , —-—- . ; j ! Thc Volcaiio shows indications offiring up, | ] We hear reports of liglit and smoke visil»le aboVe' ! Mauna Loa atad Kilauea, It is highly probabl6 ' that old Fire Goddess Pele is going to get upa ' benefifc for excursionists 011 the return of the Costū \ Bka. — Tbe Band wiU play at Emma Square tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'eloek. Following is the programme, to conclude \vith a Marcli around the Square; ! Liliu Mnrch ..»...,. ~,,....... \Beripn* | Melauge Medley .11 '.Mo^au Her Bright iSinile Hauiit§ Me ................ ./. .Evar.N | Juliet Wa1tz.................... «... . Goote i Cavatlna, Opera Linda .Donizcui ■ ! Love Amoni? the Rohcs, aeh0UMie............ . Miua* s : 5 ' i ' Our Benicīa " FRiFxns at Home,—We sec that the Vallejo folks, arc prt ling themselves 011 | having m their mid6C onee more tlie " bright um~ j jforms and handsome Faces," that lately graoed !thedreamy eity of Ilonolulu. If the ValleJoese! jappreeiate the Henieia boys more than we did,; then let them appreeiate. We ean*t say anything | about thc "lmndsome faees " eseept that they! werc all pretty passable sons of their mothere; | bufc this know, that their deportment was handsome; and \ve say ooee uiore suceess ; and rapid promoiion and p«jiy to the oflseers of our beloved Jjtnieia/' | Ko Toady About Hkh,—Thc Courrier d€S Efats Lnis says that \> hen Miss Cushman was perfbrming at ttair B Opeia ilouse, Washington, m her cfciebrated role of Merrilies, Presidcnt Graut cuteied the theativ-—aud iiimiediately upon the of jgentU nun presenv, the iuterruptlng llie m progre,N<, beg;ui to play Uai! to the Chtef/ 4 but Mts« Cudimau in a jn?r- ! etuplory tone, and \uth a slamp of her foot», iu\leicd tbc iausie of t! pioee to proee\\l, and as; ! this gieU Aetvess wis t more to tlie 1 ' iVianftger» Ihan the Pt\m Knt of the Cnited 1 he instantly bad her ordcr obeyed t and Uail to thc eiuoP* suhMded, aud \\ent on wilh her' grand rant. IT,e lVo>identjaJ tvmdies ivared—hut the (ieneial vory Ukely w | U\x?ed s,, .v ihe ou |hvU