Nuhou, Volume I, Number 20, 2 Mei 1873 — Population of the Indian Empire. [ARTICLE]
Population of the Indian Empire.
The īndian" Empire containe a population of 241,000,000, accepting the figures aesigned to the 153 foudatory Statesby parlit\meutarj blue~books, Of theße, 186,000,000 are directly ruled bj the <jovernor-Ge.nera], tvro Governorß, three LieutGovernors and three Ohief Commissioners. Of the other 55,000,€00 48,000,000 are ruled by thc I?>3 natlve chiefff, who absorb all their revenues save a slight tribute, whieh is insufficieiit to meet their share of our poUtical and military establishments. The 5,000,000 of Mysore and the 2,250,000 o£ Berar are directly ruled bv a Chief Cominieeionei' in the former and two Commissioners in the latter case, but the surplus revenues go to the native Chief. Mysore was made over by Lord iSalisbury to the child whom tlie deposed Maharajah had adoptcd, and thc youth, who ie Nizem of Hyderabad, receives the surplus of Berar, Why wonder at the dyficulties of lodian finance, when to the hekleneBs of opīum and .rain-faJl ie added the fact that the Vieeroy has to provide for the defense and the exlemal Goverument of 241,000,000 of the Queeu ? s eubjects, while he derives rcv«;nues from only 186,000,000« (Why €ouldn 1 t we try to get a verv, very emall fraction of these surplus overerowded mi]iions to eoine to tlieee Mandß?)
BIKVEY 0F TflE ISTIXMIS OP Ī>ARlEN.—ColUnianēer SeUVidgē, aīdod by lieutcnatits, Eatou, Ilubbard, Sullivan and ColJiuis, aiid Miellhipuiim Cialt of tbo 13. S. Tincarora, liaye been eugagcd, during last Maieh, upon this work. Their !abors have beeu most arduousin following trails ; Btarting from the Baj of Chiri Chiri on the Paeific, following theTracundo and Cuia streams, aud through thc !Vapipi valley to thc Atlantie, We shall look for this rēport, wit;h accoiuj)aDyi«g map with great i»tcrost ( Tho greafc work of eutting a eanai throngh this isthinus will have a most important and doeMve efteet upon onr destinies. — Thk nrru t>f Septeuib|?r will be at\ interestinsj day for Franee, lt is to the day of liberatii>n iVoiu tue preBei\ee of Uerman troops?. As it hapto be the birth-<la). of Uen. Lafayttte, they <'outemplate a grand intcvnational celcbrat-ioir iu *he 1 uitgd Stato? *>n thaī dnv