Nuhou, Volume I, Number 20, 2 Mei 1873 — Benches in Emma Square. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Benches in Emma Square.

| }\e observ.ed kst Sa|turdaj- a nuuiW of uea', | eoipenieut, wdl ba»chcs, phuvd uuōoi | tht| trcoe and undcr thc līttic arK>r iu jlic 6quarc, jan| it \vas pl«asaat to soc w uiany kd»«* ai»d i c aud gcntlcmcii a;so, ava?liu£ thcaisvivce of jthisaeeoimuodatiou,|wiiich pcrjaiucJ thcm tv> , onjjoy with so mueh morc plcusaiu apprcciaticu tih r exhilmUing aud excvlicut umsic of die kuuī. llow cliarming by U>4 waj, \vcrc "my liau Mved do\vu;" and "a !tak of happy tiuics." Wc |wa,nt plcasaut scat,| when mckKiy hke tMs ; thrills our hcavts, Wc oovcr \v;uū to stand up'*,-.- , akhough we rvaJj "to lav\- u." \\t> tiiank our Shcphcr\l ror suggcstirg aud j thj pnvuring of scats in thc ior thc coyi° foijt of ladics aud ehillh-eu, l>ut we havc mue'a ■ grcatcr ivasou to tliauk thc Judgo, who uyes> i uov\r tho forlia> ing l-usicvl to oU. labout1 about «rontj do»jtars to puro v asc s.Vv',s ! Enliua Sjuarc, vrbich uiuu; V ivg,.uācd ,«i - uwu - ; imleui -*f e