Nuhou, Volume I, Number 20, 2 Mei 1873 — No Peonage or Slavery [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

No Peonage or Slavery

jln |liC baiKhYich Mauus; an<l noi.limg like i: n I mop thau exißts in tbc |Unitcd Statee of Aoieu , |or p Great Briūtiu. r sbe S. F. Meieaiiiik D ~ rectf)r of last Mareh, sqys in epeaking of tbe of people aud produee in these Mands;— u tbis the sj6fecm of pconage or slavery theie is mamly re§ponsible. ,? What a nuschievous statenient, whieh by the waj originated in this eountrj. A slafe aud all the o%ui£ 0 f | hisl body is propertj; aid a peon or serf is bounu" | to $erve for life ou the land where he born. | 1b a (Jfaincse or immigrant, who ser\v& j out a moderate three years eontraet at fair \vagei?, j and wbo has as ready apeess to our Courts of Juij 4is any man in the iand, a slave or peou? lu j *" r( 4 as ' ltl ee a mau who eopl tr °^ s to labor lor a eeftain periou, eau be euiiu I to per(brm liis lpnest eontxaet, and is i\o j P°9 n or fc^ave lbr-&ueh enlureemeoi of iair . tion. Then urop sueh wj3rds. Therc is no pevna k j or plavcrj in thc Sandwieh Islands, 9 *