Nuhou, Volume I, Number 20, 2 Mei 1873 — "Our Little Neighbor." [ARTICLE]
"Our Little Neighbor."
I (From ihe B. F, DaiJy Aita Califbri3ia of April 18th.] I
" Oav neigbbor, tbe little King<lom of Hawaii, ls 1 I in a statc, not e;xactly of ferjnent, but of &gitation, I ;• upon tbe qōestions'wbich tnost >irtuallj effect tbein- ! terests of ber busmess men. Reciprocity is tbe point! generaliy aimed at and advocated, anoexation being ! ' usually conderjQned tliiougb Uie press aud in tbe speecbeS of ber oiti2ens, bowever mucb some may ] desire Union tvilb tbis country. Tliej cling to tbeir ■ playtbibg roonarcby, but tbey want us to let uown j tbe bars of our tarifi preserves and allow ber plant- ! ers to eome in on tbe same terms as our owncitizens, Tbey will not willingly merge tbeir monarcby intol our republicaniam, for tbey §e tbeir bauble as mucb as ev£r did tbe courts of Europe tbeir Fool, or tbe ! Fool bis baubles, But sucb of them as bave not tbe ! leprosy- but ba?e enterprise and an eyc to trade and commerce and success, woukl like, at least, free trade Witb us, if not annexation. The proposition to cede to tbe United States Pearl llarbor, as a naval| station, seems to meet witb favor at the islands, but! ■ we havb yet to learn that any particular interest bas i been excited as yet with us upon the subject. Per- ' haps the reports of Gens. Alesander, and j Admiral Pennoek may create a feeling in its favpr.But it would prove a costly gffb Wby not-allow the Hawaiians ihe little aid, help, or encouragement of reciprocity ? īt could scarcely injure for it is so limifed in application, tbat it could interfere but little with business already estab- i lished among us, while it wouM probably be the sal- ! vation of business nien and their capital there. That' we shouid derive many advantages from reciprocity, t perhaps equaling all whieh the llawaiians would realize, is mo£p than probab!e. And "this reciprocity woukl undoubtedly be one step toward annexation, for that is to be the future of those islands. Their native people are dying out, decreasing in numbers 1 with alarming rapidity t The loss is not met by im-1 migration. There are not sufncieūt inducements for! that under their present organizātion. We need not be in any hurry to annex. Tbe native population is rcduced to less than fifty thousand, and nearly every ; fifdeth person is curscd with tbat most loathsome' disease, tbe leprosy. Tbey have a colony ou tbe! Island of Molokai of 438 confirmed lepers, and as! many more scattered all through the islands. We' soarcely need or desire such addition to our owu' population. But the time will eome when the islands' will be needed, will be worth havingj when tbepoor, \ I harmless natives shall bnve disappeared with tbeir plftythiug mouftrcliy t Hiid uiiothcr ruco \vitli vim ambition «liall have sucoet\lt\l tlie uuauibitīous 1 kaaaka." j [It is iutercstiug to uote what our l)ijj neighbor; I sajs about us, althougli he iuay not !>e as eomplimcnuu'y \\e woukl wish. Those Uukuleaiu- | miteB are alwajs twitting us al>out our sije. We . atr small, it's too bad, but it can"t bo helped. | Wcare too sraall for a Credit Mobilier niilliou | upon million ewindle; top sm»ll for even one eity : | witli its thousands ol nun\lcivrs, garrotiers, aud etrcet walkors; too small to eoniaiu the tithe oi' the eonsumptives that clsewhere eougk awav i rottcu luugs; too «nall for anv hideous aiul \et j pieturesque of t (l ualor, viee, and dis- | torted humanitj; and in fine too euiall to get ! up a fratrieninl wav, or big iiiv, or anv sort of' j deccnt eized emiie, or iui(sfortune. It is possible j that every )i('tieth u\ati of our t>ro\vn people is a i lej\or, but -toui luownies are all uuudeiers or' ! t!ueves, and you ire cxtcrniim\t»ng theiu with iire, and e\Vi>rd in \ i \\< like nt-, \\hil*t \ve toud 1 "uw to a pkasant Da»\tiso on 3lolokai, We ;ue. 1 ho\vevcr. too small. only a few \ole-anie peaks. 1 | We arc a little i>oakcd, ivnd tbafs wliy \ve iiquē j on \vhat \ve"ve |got. Wo havc got a fe\v' groe.>rio* you iu\\t. and \vliy ean'l you big fcl-' iows t.ike tln-m \vitliout l >11 from \vur! "linWi-hW'-Kn Nn V t i ' i