Nuhou, Volume I, Number 20, 2 Mei 1873 — A TRIP TO THE ISLANDS [ARTICLE]
Will be, or ought in vogue now araong our friends of the coast. We have got a Bteamer on the route, the Costa lliea, to run bet\veen this port anel Ban Franciseo, just maeie io tempt people to travel; she has Bueh large and >vell aired saloons, sueh a elean run and finc promenade, and is under Buch capital management in the hands of €aptain Lapidge and lns aids, Messrs. Carroll, Jenkins, Gates and Tucker, that if will be simply a coiitinuation of pleasant holel life to sail in her. And it would not cost any more. Mark that. You pay one hundred dollars for tlie round trip to the islands; you stay a week tliere and spend twenty-five dollars more, or $125 for a month's travel and board. Xow we want to know of you hotel folks and others that live any w r ays eomfortab]y, if you ean live any eheapei* than this 011 sliore ? Bome that will eome will of want to visit the voleaiio, the great crater of llaleakala, and other natural curiosities, and will lay over ti 11 the next steamer. Tlie expense will be three dollars a day at a iirst class hotel with no extra charges for carriage hjre or baggage transportation to and irom the steamer, or for any other espeeial service about the Holeh The cost of n round trip ticke( on the interisland steamer A7īa■?ea to tlie ]anding nearest the voleano is twenty-live dollars. You pay ten doliars for your ride to the volcano, four dollars-for yourself a-nd horse at the Volcano j Hote'l, and a douceur for guide and paele | niule, w r hicli expense you would sharo witli yfeur comJ)any so that you may set down yoiu* month's stay, including all the expenses ōf your volcano trip at another one liuiidred and twenfy-tive dollars, or say 5250 to $300 for two months' absence from home, an exhilerating Pacitic oeean voyage, and sight of Kilauea and Mauna Loa, along with all the rest of our interesting naīiu'ai curiosilies. The excursionist ean, a,s there is no law to the contrary, spend as nineh more as he or she ple?tses, and the obiiging shopkeepers of Honolulu will certaioly hold out very tempting inducemenls i o <-io so. Oi course somebody vrill be scaring oIY ihe excursion;st wiīh a story about leprosy; now you might as well get up a story to scare people away from Ban Franeisco 011 account 6f the l\lodocs as to get up a scare :rgainst Honolulu on aeeouiu of leprosy. We> the fbreign comnxunity, do not see it, and know noihing x>f it, II is eonfined to the natives. You frisky Friscoans had beller eome down here to get out of the%ay of ihe small-pox ; but mind and do not bring It with you. Those arriving by the next fri]>of liio Costa Jiiea will just be in time ibr ripe, maiigoes, alligator ]H'ars and custardapples; and then you get delk»ate traurant bananas, orauges, melons and strawiK iiies all tho year round t along wilh the blandest of oeean air aud ihe sweetest pernnne of ovorgrof»n grovos ;so ihat you emi lay otrin peuee wiihoiu heariug the scream oi' a loetnuoīion, or ho r<uis.ed by a tolegram or a <iuu and <au onjoy ihe swoets of a oathig dreamof lazinoss, aud inetfahle recuperanng rojx>so, suoh is not jh>ssihlo anywhoro aiinuul, or ahoui your nuudoring: rairoad rauliug, hurryuig, scurrying-