Nuhou, Volume I, Number 19, 29 April 1873 — CITY NEWS. [ARTICLE]
BF' When you canDot joicet an opponent*s argumeut, say you will te]l;SOiiie uglv &tory about him; and if he is weak he will ebut up; but if he is not, you naay cntch f| Nniou. sjggFf*The Sparrowhawk will eail for Melbr>urne 011 next s and w|ll take a luāil fbi that port,—-and letters designj>d foi arid New Zealand, will fbrward<?d from Melbourne t if the olßce of & Alleu, i ! - ! Ihe Kilaum touehed 011 the reef oft* Kva nakakai laet Friday eTenibg, but dM not' sn :^ } n | any material damage, |She will contli\ue hev |regu|ar trips, as pgr advertjeei»ent f TrtE Teredo —Cnpt. Owen, of the wha!eship Jir4 Perry, showed ue |a eeeiion of live oak, smal|i block, about five Iong; whieh in the way|it was cut, clearly rbvealed oue of these 1 ribleborers at liis work. | He begios a hole as big as a knitting needle, and then enlarges ū4 | hegbes. *He appears to; be a mere worm, f»ui inehes long, and liae a ;gelatinous, transpar< \{ i hcd^|, but his head is jarined with a genumy |aug(jr bit. One woukl that lt had ; geeted fche fbrm of somd auger eutten?; and l4 | ean cut as elean as ever )steel did, I "|Polykesiax Royai,t>- Tocki>-u o.n- a I'niiki. SwifES WAR Sinr."—This is the hea4ing of a telegraw in tbe York Uera!J of April 1, whkih m&kps tbe followiug Btattfiiieut, King fiUii.iiilo t!ic liiow uionaie'a of the Saiidwiea lihmu? lias madb the tour of liis |Kingdoui in the l'. S stea|nship Benicia. Tlie Kicg will eome to Fraseiseo wUh General! SehofieU to mak-e a (eut of tbe United State* '■ | Tnis. telegrain iiu»l the wa y fDiionueiug it, ehpw- \lvut «-liat ieat e?ī"matp wouUi l>e put sueh a visit OAr<!HT a Ti-rtt,f.—We l«irn Aoni Lauai, tluvt ou tlio 17th itist., n mvtive nanied Ohua, speai\v. a turtle, that wa? in a fe|\v feet of \vater near U:e and as lie was nU eii<?j to lauJ, lie diu\l for |Lim. īn .graspiug at tho oW elieu-haok, l:e got his thiek janmu\l l>et\vee\\ tl=e prcu|i<»of the trident, aiid the Ōipt>ers wa!kevl witli the kauaka Neptune, trUeiit, ana all. eut u> aeaJ After going a a>ksuec, the sejilj WoM, ou MOO«nt of Wing woilnJoJl turiH\l f>,aho», an'd "wheh the kanaka strueV gronn.l h« bj ft vigorouB effert him?eir l| > haJ becn under water 411 the time, an.l \\! : e» Tje Bbr«ok dry lauJ, he utterly es.'uni>t.Nl ai>! &lmoet a doa«l uian The turtle weut ofT wlth t?i> epoiir. Wheii jfou go jv fish»ttg, tsle ww Knv you mo4d!e with oM sh|li-h :u »5;«