Nuhou, Volume I, Number 19, 29 ʻApelila 1873 — VESSELS EXPECTED FROM FOREIGN PORTS. [ARTICLE]
Brit bk Wmdermere, from Liverpool, sailecl Jan 14th. Am sliip Coringa, from Boston, sāiled Dec 6th. Am bk I) C Murray s from San'Francisco s due about Mav 3d, Haw schr Luka, from Caroline Island, due about May fst. Bk Camden, from Puget Souud } is due. 15k Dela\vare ? from Burrard's Inlet, sailed April 15th. Ship Wm Tapscott, from San Francisco, en route for Enderbury Island, to sail shortly after the steamer, Sīoop Do!phin, (8 tons)*from San Diego, en route for Japan, sailed April 14th.