Nuhou, Volume I, Number 19, 29 April 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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TIME-TABLE OF TH£ " K! ........j....................X0aa ; May ol Hum^al Mot j 23a,..,.... v . .--4w..;...... r XaT«iliv*nfc of Iluwail Jsme 2d,...,..,, Koaa Juuej 9tli .j................ .....Koiia I a tine IS tit ......Circuit of Ejiuai June 23d,.... ...Circuit of Hawaii I Jii nd 30(lt. J. I Tl^e third week ! in Majr, haviog to repair machinery. 03= |No Credit for Passage Money. Tickets at the Office | only. 'Not responsible for any frjeight or packages, unless receipted for. SAMUEL U. WILDER » &p5 js-w&w I Agent. i AT THE CORNER STORE WILL BE JfOUNB A Choice Asst. of Gentlemen's "Wear ! JUS! RECEIVED EX KA MOI AND I>. C. 3XUIUIA.V. TTNIitUSIURTS a.\D ALL GRADES. 1? t Ives, Sock* and Suspenders, superior to any ii the country, a fine ii»e of taeijitJcmeirs Clothing, *: A Full Assortment of Boots and Shoes! ! Suits, White Bpil Vests, Gloves, A fine assortment of gemmed Handkerchiefs, IvLh whije and colored border. A tine new lot of White Socks, something aer. ! A. Bplciulld -Lot oi Scaris : Umbrellas In Silk\ Italian, Cloth, Aipacea aivd CYuon* A few large stee whalebone; Umbrellas, GOLI> AND PLATKD SLEEVE BUTTONS, AMBKII , Sleeve Buiuas, Rone and Iwiy glccvo 13mu u<, | a srtor urr or pixi&jj bats, straw hats, | I I | Shirts of superior quality, I«» *20 Wchcs neck: VnsiprsliSKs Rom SO wii iachos , I Boot* |and ShooS ftcrn So. 3 jt* 13; Truak», Values utia | Osrjwt Bats. ! iGOSXELI/S AS» I'KKl'l MLS, j Pomades and Hair Oils? Kvco iu lUushe*, ittciuiling the best Shoe 4 j, town. Great Basins tu $ods, tH FACT KVEKYTUIXO VSt ALLY rotXU I.N ALL | ttmt Arpoixxsit n'gjjasuixa vmom siosjs \ j Ull feud Examine* iu> Trickle ta Slum U.»4<: mm \m McINERNY.