Nuhou, Volume I, Number 19, 29 ʻApelila 1873 — Our Royal Masons. [ARTICLE]
Our Royal Masons.
e lind in the New \ork Dispatch of Mareh 9, the following statemeut whieh has a2brded us a good eurprise ; Kamehameha Y., late King of Hawaii,'we learn tlirough Walter M. Gibson, of Ilonolulu, (brother of RicbardP. and Wm. lloward Gibson of tliis Masonic jurisdietion), that Ilis Ilawaiian Majesty had attamed ; the grade of S. P. R. S., 32°, and was most zealous and ambitious in Masonry. We are also informed that the new King Lunalilo is proposed for the honors of the eraft, and heartily favors its prosperity. Who will now assumc to eay that Masonry is noi mdeed uiuveml.'Now tliese may be facts. We had a geueral know!edge that their Majesties Kamehameha IV. and Kamehameha Y. were bofch Masans, but we know nothing of their grado h\ the evaft; an«l t know nothing about llis Majesty's \iews, oi intentions, if any, in r< tto Masonry; thcrefore we eoukl not havc coiumunieated thie tcment. Our brother, one of the iuost advanccd Masons in New York sends ue the p\per. Altogether lt i$ very curiom«( and we wonder who eould have communieated pie atatement . 11 may bo all true, and Ilawaii vflll be distinguished by her Hne of Royal Masons.
M Pr? jour tongue out a Huie farther ? " s;\id Dr. M-—to tbe widow, — k *alitile iarthor, if you pleiuo—thejrv f just a little more." Why, Doetor, do vou thiuk a vromau*s tongue