Nuhou, Volume I, Number 19, 29 ʻApelila 1873 — Jonathan's Hand on Hawaii. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Jonathan's Hand on Hawaii.

The Daily Graphic. a new illustrated daily of the eity of New York, whieh has not yet been eirculatecl abroad, abounds in sharp, spirited, original illu6trations. It musfc be a greafc work to get out sueh a papei\daily« In its number of Mareh 1:2, the first page eartoon represents our globe on its mareh through thesky. . Weseecovering the eontinent of Americā the figure of tbe traditional Jonathan, rough bell erowned hat, narrow ewallow tail, and short etriped pants with etraps. llis righfc arm reaehes over the eontinenfr, and his rigbt liand has its grip in the gulf of Mesico on the island of Cuba; and theleftreaches across the Pacific Oeean to these islands, with.the dexter and -middle finger placed upon Hawaii. And Jonathan is grinning across the oeean at another figure with a round fur hat, and fur tipped mantle, with a Cossack lanee in his right liand; and his left rests upon Khiva. This does nofc require any explanation, but the legend below reads; u The two Giants.—lvan and Jonathan reaching for Asia by o|3posite routes.*- • Yes, hy and by, there will be a great war between Jonathan and Ivan fbr the mastery of Asia, And John Bull and Jonathan will then fight togethei\