Nuhou, Volume I, Number 19, 29 ʻApelila 1873 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
OF I-J 1 ATHILO. £"« l"X»ERSIO \Kit will, J£t 5L' 1 offer-fur sale Public Auction, at 12 o'clock. * i j Noon, on j ' ; SATURDAY, 7th DAY OF JUNE MEXT, | At the Court House m |T en Xjots ! of I jof copvcnient size for building *nd other purposes. t*«tnnr - - m thf aggregate about Twelve Acres, in lLc Jlilo, and now belonging to Benjamin Pitman, Eati. FoJr any detailed information j applj to the undersigned, ' \ H. HACKFfeIB & CO., lfcnolulu. • ap26 td T«*r« r!** *» ™ -- u ' WILLjIAM H. REED, IliK FORSALE M THK SHOP OS THK GWLAVI IM lately oecai»i«J by J. L. Uwis a*a Comjor SU-j.. C, ~ - , tO ,? c ' v i ,si t '°t the city, an,l kouM m.,ue j excellent Dwelling Houso. For particulars, enquire --vf J. I. DOWSBtr vr tapl9 It \ 3. h. LKWIS. e w GOODS ItlClH CKI > iMJlCjir- : i - i —■■ | - ! Choice Selection hired from Pail* ! Oiv VIEW p\\ SPLENDID SILKS, ; ! REAL LACES, JOtJVINS & JOSEPHINES KiD CLOY TV LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING. MOURNING DRESSES, Suhly TrimnwU, CHILDREN'S DRESSES AM HATS ! I frlench cambiums, 112 J i : j I FRENCH PIQUES, WHITE. i ! j : — AtSO—. r * : i : \ A FEW CttttlCSl ' ; I I A. S, CLEGHORN .& CO/S l?ort