Nuhou, Volume I, Number 19, 29 ʻApelila 1873 — Wool Importan in Amerika [ARTICLE]
Wool Importan in Amerika
|Is rapidly increasing. In 1860, the ii»portaliori ! was onljr fV»ur anei a balf miliione of pounds ; and * ! * ast yoar it was ninctj-eight millions orpoimdB, | : The exportatioo of Australia has advanoed D*om ; I one bale in 1806 to about two hundred millione of ! | pounds laet year ; and Amer!ca is becoming one' |of the mosfe important purehasere, We ought to ' |feed on our present runs 250,000 of the best' | sheep that would produce two million poumle of i | wool, Worth lm!f a million dollarSc and nbt hurt; I ōur lands any more than we are doing now fbr a! | elip wo*th"only §46,000, j j - Nunqu back numbers, eomplete. to date and; j ready to maii by steamer, ean be obtained at' Thrum's book-store fbr $1.50.' Aleo a iew ruore ! copieB of the Lunalilo papcr, cost one dollar, aud 1 with back numbers of Nuhou willj)e so!dfor ! $2.00. Thc portrait of His Majesty thēKingJ | cabinet eize is the bcst likeness ever taken iu i this city. Send it to your friends, } Hotel Promenade Thursday evenin<s. ]>lay lst. fbllowmg is tbe programmo: ; PART 1. \ j j Ka Moi l;uimlilo March........... t .. .Bcrgor ' | Cavatina Opera Lombardca.. ,Verdi ' , God Sp«ed the Galatea. V.Samuel' J Alua Puliīohe Olioli, Concert Polka new.............. .Berger | | PART 11. I j CoroDa(ion Opero Prophet Hcyerhecr I ! Parisia-n Life Quadi*iJle t OllcDbar ' I Hymu.of. Kaineliamelia 1........................... ,Bf>n!:er '' On the..Beaut'iful l>lue Danube } Walt-z, by roqucst.....Strauss ! Our new steamer, the pi'opeller Costa Rica, awakened feelings of the most " lively interest, I when ehe entered thc harbor about 8 a, m,, Sun- i |day the 27th inst.; ,as. we had become a littlcj janxious ahout our steam communieation with j >San Francisco. We aro now happily assured that thc Costa Eka will ply regularly. between! Honolulu and the Coast, and we are fortnnate in ! having sucii a fine, well a|)pointed vessel. When f we went on board of her ? oi\arrivaL her salooncj were in as niee order, and as fi*ee from odor, as a well kept parlor on shore, She is evidently in good hands, and will be a great satisāiction to our traveling fricnds. Capt. Lapidge is an ex- J perienecd ? gcntlemanly ofßcer ; and so we are all ! delightcd with our new steumer, You tluvt eontemplatc a trip, go and look at ber. Captnin « Lapidge is a well-known favonte comnnnider on j thc Panama route in past years, The iieal'Hi of thcse is3ands, is exee!lenl. We have, it is truc, a great miefortune on our Ivancls in thc shape of leprosy; but that is a diseasel con£ined almost exQlusively to the natives. As two f or perhaps tnree fbreigners only have eontracted it, by iutimate assoeiation with a native it is evident that this disease is not in the sligiitest degree infeetious 5 but may be eontagious under espceial conditions. There is no more oecasion to fear leprosy, hy traveling in this cpuntry, than there wouh! be to approhend au attaek of the mumps by travoling through the Unitcd There ib no elimate in tho world, that will so xapidly rc*toie t&> eonsumptivo pationt whero there is any U'mainder of lung or vitality to build upon, thc bland, dry climate of our islands. Comc ye skk, and jaded, broken down with the extrcmes of weatber, and hurry skurry of your own lānd> and l>o bealed amid Ihe peaee and mikl atmosphere of our isles ** ihere is one thing t young maiK you oan pay t!u\<e haixi times . you ean jwy yaur ru*dve*#es to thc girl yuu l <ve l|on"t tl»c m 4 >*V€i> due ! i
{ Death of Jam?s Gurdjn LenriJtt, . wile jof thc great Americaii }jurnali>t at Kouigj &*xony on the 31«s|t March. vr e had tlic | to be the guest of tiys lady and hcr Lu--I at Bclkvillc ncar Pan*6 iu 1854, whei» ilil II Proprictur vl thc ?*eiv York I/craM thoir s eon waa at thc Polytcchnique Institutc. Shc was an accomplished lady; s and thc fricijd - and patroncBB of etrugglipg artīst-?. | ihe Nuhou is to thc courtcßy of j oi the Gazcits fbr latc San Fraueiscv jpapers. . ; j™ : V ' ! ! "pMim, Brown epe<\ks vcry 111 of you.' J f That'6 very becau*c I don ? t rcmemi ber cver doieg him a gerv|ice/' j The barkeutirie I^ulu % whieh hae oeen in j the (iands of Mr. George| our careful and j efficient Bhip builder» hak been very thoroughly I ōverhault'd and repairec( f and proceedcd un heu j voya|ge to Shanghac. I'