Nuhou, Volume I, Number 19, 29 ʻApelila 1873 — St. George's Society-Supper at the Hawaiian Hotel. [ARTICLE]
St. George's Society-Supper at the Hawaiian Hotel.
On Saturda.j evcning, thc 2Gt)i insfc., thc mcn> l)ere of tbie Sociefcj had a yery pleasanfc reunioD. Theo. 11. I)avie><, Ksq., 11. B. M.'s Acting ComjDii6sioncr, in tlie Chair. Beated by him at the table were His Excellenej 11. A. Peirce, U/S. Minister Resident,M. Le Monnyer, Commigsiorier of France, the Lord Biehop of Ilonolulu, llis Excellency R. StirliDg, Minister of Finance, and • about seventy guests. The supper was ample and^appetizing f and cheerful fluids abundant, as proven by the exhilaratioii of the evening. The Chairman proposcd the following toasls: ller Majesty Queen Victoria, His Majesty Lunalilo, the President of the United Statee, and bfc. Deniß of France, the eompanion in arms of >Sfc. {jleorge,: whieh >verc enthusiastically rcccived and accompanied with appropriate glccs an<l songg. M. Le MonnjcT made a few happy remarks in English, Cspressing liis appreciation of the occafeion, his sjmpathy with thc efforts of the Socicty, and hopee of intemational amity. Mr. Peirce also responded with a few well chosen remarks. Societies like this of St. George illustrated the besfc spirit of Christianity. The poet had said that (i man 1 s inhumanity to man made countless millions mourn ; but liere we see that. man s humanity to man made multitudes rejoice. Ile would proposc, in reply to thc complimcnt to his country ; ll tho ilag that for a thousand ycars had braved fchc batfcle v and the breeze." Receive4» >vi fch entli.usiastic honors and an appropriate eong by thc Cliairman, M. Le Monnyer beiug loudly c<illcd ujion fo.r a song, the accomplished CommisBioifer gavc thc company the legend of Blue Bearcl, whieh, being received with a tempesfc of applause, he kindly yielded to the Wish of the company, and sang the pastoral of Orpheus in Uie Infbrno with most happy cffect. Xn 'the coursc of the evening the active and coul tcous ehaii'man cai!ed out a variety of talenfc in the way of song and epeeeh, and kept up an unflagging spirit of exccllcnfc good humor and cntcrtaiument. Wc would have to fill our Nuiiou, if we attemptcd to give a full rcporfc of cverything said and done during thc cvenmg, and ean only glance at a few particulars. Theßev. Mr. Mackintosh sang a huuting song and the " Honest Man ; Mr. Robcrts sang a tale of truo lovc running smooth, and didn't they seem to ?" Mr. Lomax gavc us « Collops of Bacon " amt Laneaehire; the brothers Frank and Godfrey Ikown gavc us side Dutch caricaturc and the girl whose " pickitoor was on the omtiibus door ; ?5 Mr. Pool thc Old Oak Trce ; Mr.;Wa-3ker some patriotic songs in iine voice, as also did Mr. Atkimon ; Mr, Ryeroft lgave Fiuiugrin"» Wake " with capital• humor; and mutiy other vcry cnlivcnmg i?ongs addcd plcasure io ihe eYcmng, but as 'wo took no notes we eannot givc \hQ īiames of all thc*eongs and of the songMi i rs. 1 he l>aud of eourse, undcr the direct»on of Mr. Berger, cohtributed largeiy to thc euccesK and pleasu,rc qf the occasion. Among the liiile spceehes we miīst mcntion that ol Mr. Pnee, lie felt an arisin<» from thiß couvivial oeeaeion. lle was dccply impresFed with thcse " magniticcnt hospitalities and happy fuces." Ile wa* - P roud to sit at *ucb a festivc board." ** Thc wrcck of mattcr and the i ! rush of worldrt " n%ht shake ihe univcn?o clscwhcre, but hcrc r< Miv, whcrc thc rivnlcts meamiuiNl nuul umhngi\»us and th<> " 1 * eat down t«tcthcr
Ile congratu!atcd the illustriouB Societj of George|upon its woi'k an&' conclitioi3. llc proposed ttreo cheers for tbe Saßiiwicli Iblands and the restiof the and theorator eat down amid thundefs of applausc, Then there was a līveij cry lbr " the Shepherdj" and he spoke a few pastoral words to this noiey Hoek, He had heard inueh aiseuesion ahout saints" lately, even this evening, we had St, George, St, DeniB, and other <k ehampionē of Chrigtendora, ? ' and ae you are ail eonf? of George, 4t you are all 6aints, by He was a lt saint," he must eonfess, as he was a eon of St, Jonathan, As all great had heen toasted, and lands and flags besides, he Would propose e4 the ladies 3 " the ehaimmn following with the enlivening song 3 <f And īle'e a Jollj Good Eellow." The evening went oīf with sparklc and vim throughout, and was a ' most enjoyable oeeaeiou, The Ohaiman contribnted to tho hilarīty of the ovening hy bl& tact and vivaeity, and altogefcher the Georges and their guests will have oecasion to remember with mueh pleasure the Society'B supper of 73.