Nuhou, Volume I, Number 18, 25 April 1873 — "Egotistical." [ARTICLE]
That's what we are,j evea affcer ilie sts]£ oi Paui of Tarsug. He verj einphaticailj decUre<i iiiiuse|f the equal of any of the apostleB,,or other l4dere of hi& people; :and btMisted ot Ms teaebing§j travels aud sufljeriugs. In f&et i?aui was a vejry egotistical man. |So is our Shepherd. Xbat is in this kmgdom; thinka that iie is equai, in capaeitj aud esperieuc<3 to auj mmister of tbe aud if lie sboalji..fiaj t tiiat he was a iittie more tlian equal, lie not feel that he wou!d bei making inueh of a brag. Stiil, at tbe eame time, he remembers words; tbai if a man tbink himseif to i|e 6ometbiug, when bc ia noihing he decei?etb hipieeli,* % £ut be aiso l>ears in mind the injunctiou tbat •* everj mau provc own work;' ? and tljat is just wbat our Shq>means to do, and tben je sball judgc " b<msting was viun" or wsil iouuded f as iu th4easeof Paul» ! :i: : !