Nuhou, Volume I, Number 18, 25 April 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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TIME-TAT; IL OF TIIE STEAMER ' April ~,«..,,.L.Circull of Ifawftf! May $ th............... -.., Kon re May ... ..'.Circuit <*t Hawaii May 23i1........... XavJlfwili May 26?h ...Circiiij June 2 Kerm J«iK* bill .....(C«Yt(t .usite 18f?i .Circuit of Kmini Jmie 23d ....Circuit of IJ June jsOtli w ~ will Dot take a trlj: to wiudtvard the tnlr>A w having repair tnachlnery. ff 112 No Credit for Passage Money. Ti«*kete at the only. iot responsible for"any freight or unlr?- receipted for. SAMUEL <*. WILDER. aps sj-w&w A&eat. FOR SALE I AIiAXDSOME OFFICE TABLE, with 6 Drawers, j Koa Bedstead j. extra sise, Hair I Cook Stove, large size^ Koa Bureau and Handsome Swing Toilet Glass, Sevres China Fountain', Saddles, | Double S«|ated Carriage^ i . j 2 Double Reined Bridie?, apll! Apply to MRS. MASON. Pele IIou?e. 4HANDSOMEOFPICB oi STI'DY V U ING-Table with 6 Drawers, 2jome Choice Painting, Uu-. .. somely j Framed, a Fountain of hve Sevres China and Valuable Honiton Lace, various ! articles of Fulniture, Ureases, pupboafds, &e. A Carriage Horse, Harness;, and ft Gentle Hiding Horse, to | | | MRS. MASON, Pete House AT THE CORNER STORE WILL EE FpUND A Choice Asst. of Gentlemen's Wear ! JUST RECEIYRD EX 310T AND I}, c\ 311. XXIIA V. AND DRAWERS, ALL GRADES. U Ties, Socks and superior to aay n the Country, a fine line of Gentlemen's Clothing, A PjttU Aswytmsnt of Boots and Slices! White Linen Suits, White Vests, Gloves^ j A fine assortment of I---- I .*:. white and colored border, ! A fine new lot of wfhiie Socks, something new, I A Hpicnaia i_,ot or Neeli Pearls ; | Ifmbrellas iu Italian, Cloth, Alp&«a asd Cotton; j A large sbe whalebone| Umbrella^ (GOLDj AND PLATED SLKEN K IU'TIONS. AMUKiI I jSleove BQttong,Boce ana;ivoti Slev\t BwUon^ A NKjW LOT OF PANAMA 11A is, STRAW H UN, Os»s. ]|lst«.* " Shirts of superior quality, from 13 to 20 inches peck ; Undershirts from $6 to U •aches , Boots and Shoes from No. £ to 13 \ Trunks, and Ciffpe; Bags, | GOSNELI/S AXP PEkri >U>, I 1 Soups, ftmwu\es jand Hair Olt>, j la tU 1 I*** t | ...Wp l ' 4 U. ts FACT KYRRYTMSrt vk*U.Y >01'M> l> *L> ■WKI.L APPtMVTKD FrRNISIUNO GvVP< stOhi. CnU m>4 lv\»wtßf } u(> TtobVc to Slow Ugils! M. McINERNY.