Nuhou, Volume I, Number 18, 25 April 1873 — Punctuality [ARTICLE]

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|Is thc vcry 60ul of success. When you are surcj : of a man coming to lime, you leavc your puree iu \ ; his hands, and you like to trust your body and | ; your goods to a convcyance that is evcr on the; • minutc —nay, thc vcry sccond. Thc great rail-1 | road of the American Plau\s, bct\vcen the Sievrae | J and the Missouri, has nofc losfe or hurt a man, he- j | cause it is ever on uature wiil allow;! I and the grcat trans-Atlantic ferry of the Cunard-j ; ers runs as sure as the sun } and \vould not stay a j | second beyond time, not if the greatest I>uke ofj | England was hailing fbr a moment's delay; aiul ■ 1 safety, and pvofit, and succes? ia thc conscqucnce. ; i We were thinktng of this on account of ihe? s . » f dcparture of thc Kllauea last Monclay arternoon t ' ; leaving somc passengcrs and taking one involun- j ' tary one away, We heartily commend Caphun| : and Agent, fbr being shitrp on timc. We, or oiy ■ lriends may possibly eome timc on aeeount^ i of an oversight of timfc; but never mind, let the' old Kilauia start at the mimUo, anel not; ! delay, even if the Prinie Minister sho\ild ery out j \ stop, and everybody will up our steamer on' . aceouut of her punctuallty, j

! Alugatok \ro m'markot, aocord-* 1 ing to the opiinon of a new t\vrivol at tlio Hoto!« i 110 wat\ted a blow ouVoi\ this craok but j thc Hotel man ttuT not krow of and tho now j ? arrival t-hoTight thnt lLrbcit as he 5 hnd Becn goroe at eorncr, lor our frlon(l Johm\y Piilna, the inerohant of • 5 grecns, auei clcano<l hhn <int of a ccrtnin fVuit ftook ? and tol<l hiw tc gct s\me n\>n ml brmg :to thc 110101, whieh ho did. Vna now f\>r tho blow oui of vuir £ontlo voWant a orowd to, hclj> liim, and when tho l>otkot of fn\it was pro- . tluocd. thevc w;\s the insuli.uis Horhorf aiut hib ,sar.l-nual!v. at ,\ lut uf; < r I l uiU F.\vvactly ? I I I