Nuhou, Volume I, Number 18, 25 April 1873 — Good Labor [ARTICLE]

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Good Labor

! Morc ho than eheap labor is oiir greal watiL; J In pruportion as \vc havc advanccd in \vages, tl>e ! j valuc of labor has dcclincd in thcsc ifclands.^Wc' | are sorrj to eomplain of the native lahorer l>c- \ j cause he' is eapahle of being very valuable, and j j we will not condemn him without eauee ; lmt lliin I we must saj, that in propurtion asyuu advance in j , pay he declincB in servicc, Your advancc socms . | like an of vour grcat jaecd of ; j him, anc| he wants to exact more for his suppoBed j enhanced value. Capt, James Makee who paj&"; his field workmen $15 a montli <loes not, he says, , get as good eervice 5 nofc more than 75 per cent, T | j of what he onee got for $8 a month ; and we j know on Lanai, that having advanced from 2 to j 3 cents for shcaring, we are asked 5, and do notI get near| eueh good work as when we onlj paid 21 j cents pqr head for shearing eheep. llow shallj j we remedy this? v Ilow ehall we lead thc nativeß; jto a scnsc 6f justicc in this matter ? When thcj! i receive $15 a inonUu they reccivc hetter # paj; j fchan anj other nafive people, among the teeming| | millione of Asia and Oeeaniea. We must hc en-1 abled to exact faithful perfbrmanee of contract ? j whllsfc afc the same the rights of tiie laborer must ] bc strietly thing to ensurc a eat> ■ j isfactory fulfilmenfc of the duties of mastcr and | servanfc or rafcher 6f emplojcr and workman, will !be fco havc more intelligent distriet justiees, Thc I class of natives who mostly fill thesc offices are j only governed by paltrj.and eorrupt influences ; j and will discriminate against the emplojer, un(il j he makea ifc his intoresfc to diseriminate i fehe laborer. "