Nuhou, Volume I, Number 18, 25 April 1873 — A Dirty Article [ARTICLE]
A Dirty Article
j In t|ie (iazelle pigned that t£ the past ten I yearj3 will ever be known;iu Hawaiian Hi*torv | the | rtign ofLiceniiousn!fss," and yet tLey are i the very ten years thot fhe GatfJfe o little while ago,| said had been partpeular!y looked after l»y and then the article on \ j say j~that| the " nation's had been de- | during that time; but we have befbre | us a]report of clergymen, laid before the Mini?:ter | of J?loreign Affairs in in whieh one sayb , j " is the prfcvailing vice of the trict, as it is of all the|islands. Morc married persons than unuiarriedj are guilty of this ein, thuS adding adultory to juneleanneBs^ ,, Another sa,yj, that "by far the form of vice in my distfict is licentiousness,- Aiiother rcmaik*, thatf at a time "it was :shoeking to witness the eutire want of decency, botli of feeling and aetion . Unidng a-11 classes. * * It| lias infeeted the b!ood of | the nation and is withering up their energie s and j the power of procreation * # of the children th it i are born, many of tliem:die in early infaney, and | mos!t of those who snrvive are infeeted with l<\ath~ j some diseases of the v|arious venereal taints,'" J Now all this. and ten times mdre from a nuiubtr j ol' diBcreet cloi£ymen Writiug about the ielam'uj ncarly twenty years agoj 4gain this dirty artie|e eoinplaine of a waut cf striugeney of law; but an eminently thouglitful servaiit ot God in the |days we epeak of, say&: " Ae to tbe remedy, I h;\ve but littlc hopes in tlie effioaey of higbly stringeut lawe, while ther t is b..« mueh laxness in the pulilie (native) sentinieiit o'i theicnormity of viee." [ And then the Editor of thei Gazetle or Miuister |of Foreign Afiairs who | n j his leiuiing artiele about "Ministev De Long, ' i.and the reports eoncernīng ,£ Labor and luiuii n | tion, : ' said that it had deterred hiin from at.t<ii* | in wur behalf; yet pernjnts this language to aj° ! P«i|r in the eame paper.j "To my mind it would i be quite as mereiful kj diseharge a eargo of ljt- ] boi|ers into the oeean,-|artcr the prevnilg eusioui |of pur Paeilie slaves, «j« to land ihem on thest j Bhcjres under existing elreuuistances"— YVhat is | to l>e thought of eueh kii Orgau, aud sueli a bcj fou|ler of its own iu«t' j 'ihe talk aboutHie** late Adminisiraiion" '-A j iiish Government OOkihl," - A Cireuit Judge," ; aud a "Slight ConsideriUion " iu this eonneeiien 1« «iere sl«\«dei\nis Miitod to tr,e stvic ot jthe U<iutir in its present lwnds for wlneh the 1 auft»r of the artiele oiight to' H ealleU ;o an ae- : coijmt. We are of tliat \vriter ar.d puV f lis|ier are one and the &uuc p<>rsou, as it is c«#y I to pupposc that the niiiul wliieh eould appeal iu I his native paper to natives for gossip aud siunui r i «eMnW« lorcigner ev>uid r\\vdity indite the nii!i I oont»iiK\l in tlic dirty o|rtiele eiUUW - The S.viai i>ituation." Coaic oujt witU your Taets judgosand none of yvnir slaudeivus iusiuuatioi:s. j i3r* Our Sheplierd sjns tlmt ihe Wini bi"y iu I hi: goat lieixl is a eur|nis aiūuml, and i> tryl:fto shed lū» bide lle vas a puix-, \v!;ite fixv !L--j kor - iUu * "~ ,xv lie ,īs to a i tekl, to:id-sk'miK\l ivutraet (.oolie sen > cri:ta : lle is afr.<id t!ut he luijs U»c an.l t!nu lie wiU S»a\(. : < !ūj.i