Nuhou, Volume I, Number 18, 25 April 1873 — A "Mill." [ARTICLE]

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A "Mill."

| * We vegret to learn from reports ōf ouv Bohe- | mian of a disereditable affair, whieh carae off. ! Bomewhtere in the neighborhood of the <{ Bcach, ,? between our Sbepherd and an Organ-grindcr, They had been for some time chaflsng eaeli other in the etrectB, and were urged tc> have it out. A rmg waa madc, and we are sorry to say that some of our mo«t. re«pect*able citizens showed a livelj intereet in the Bght, They lx)tlr peeled ojS', the Shepherd looking pretty trim and elean fbr a grizzly; anel the Organraan looked gamey with his baek up a trifle: Ile was the firet to shie his hafc into the ring, arid as they eame up to the scrateh emiliog, the Organman let out a quiek lefthander and got the Shcphea'd on thc knowledge box, arid made him see Saints, Bets werc about even, but perhaps a triflc of odds against thc She23herd ou getting this first liek, But now he began to look wicked from about the rootB of his big nose, and lie got in a sockdologer on thc poll, that raiscd a whelk as big as a partridge, aud brought him to gi*ass j and at the closc of the first round u fn-6t blood for the Shepherd " was the cry around the ring. The odds werc now in favor of our old bruiser, and three to one were freely offered, and no takers. After calling tioie, the men eame up to th{jeeratch w itli a look that meant work. As tliey were sparring and feinting, a■ dirty liUle fiee eup ran out from between the lcgs of thc Organman and trjcd thc Shepherd; but he without takingW eyes off liis man, gave the Cce a hoist with liis boot, that eent it yelping, tail down, out of thc ring. At this, the Organman gave the Shepherd a ilip on tlic ear; and hercturned the eompliment by sl#hering the tooting man 011 an old sore cov~ cred by a P. C, _•!. sticking p(aster. Ile got him hcavy on this spot and again grave!ed hini. On coming to the serateh at tlie third round, the orgau-man looked blowed, aud struek out rather 6oattering, whereas our Shepherd liit neat a.iid solid every liek. As they were pcggiugaway around the ring, and the organ-man was baeking against the rope, he ealled out in an underhaiivl way to eome kanaka* to ; try and trip ihe Sliepherd. At this the around %he riug eriod, " ehame," but our worthy pa*tor kept his feet, and closing in on hijs man, he got the kanaka gosBiper'a head in ehanedry. The ekunk tried to bite the haek he took his punkhmeut; but the wool man lmd and nursed lus head nnder his left anu like a lanib as he gave him T>dras with his right, At the elose of this round } ten to one were fVeely offered in fivvor of the Sh4>heid,and no takers. When time w;\s eallenl, (1k organ-man eame up looking qnite " groggy " He tdked %ht, but the erowd elearly *\w that there waeno fight in him, and lie was indueed to haul off hy his friend6« and try and |rev ruit £tivu£th with Vōiue lhr Sinj , pheid n* k )u!!k*elf iuH

his p|;a-jacket and weut o|l" 1./»king ready Jfora luill witli the next 1 Oiu». Bnt it i- t<j be j hopejl that these di&reputp,ble aBairSj whieh are a j to our Hawaiujm eiYilizatiou. will \y j brokp up, either hy tl e |olice, or by the arrival | of a |fbreign mail. ;