Nuhou, Volume I, Number 17, 22 ʻApelila 1873 — CITY NEWS. [ARTICLE]
niTXFk r vrants ic» kiiow, if jou fcuow arijt!iīiig the editor of the ; aad lf jou doi4*t knpw anjtliiog, 6oiiicthij}g that jqu thmk jou knbw. or that vou have heard 80me one &aj llia t tbought thej jou kno w* $3T There are now oSS lepere at Kut\wiio, nu Mtjiokai, Fortj-eight |live in the hospital ing, and 510 in dwe!liiigs outeide. The weeklj eoiftribution of pai ai Jis 533 bundle§ {or al'out pounds of taro). —Kuohoa, i i £□?* Saj, anj of jot| fellows that know anjthing about Gibeon, gi> and tell it to Whltnev, anjl he will give jou 4omething< It is truo, he don't offer anjthing in lns adverLi6€meDte fjr gunand tidL>its of «jfeandal; hut w< helicve he wijl give you one of tjiose ten cent phut of |the Kingj whieh he jtete the natlves lmve jk«r w dollar, And if jou don't know anjthingj wliieh know jou don ? t, go fill the same ; and tell 1i u soipiething, that jou tiiiuk jou heard jour iiu » Kikno saj, that a kanaka had told liim,
! . : -i— .. Our Boheoiian eajs fhat he was, theotherda^ # in|the bookstore afc the head of Kaahumami street, to proeure eome haek numbers of tlie oM Pacijic Commercial AdHrtisa f relatiiig to u |k)nded Labor # " an t ' t Irreeponsible Ministrj/' and the like, when he heard dietinetlj, eo he the editor of the Organ of 'All Saint« repeut the tbliowing 'linee of Tom ;Moore io himself. Oh* I oever liad|a briglit Ga*t!te k Or aoy oiher klqd of prmteil j>et» Btit that I got iqio some kliKl of I &nd made the thtog klrk Iho buok-et, • Elocitionary PkrfurmT^ce. — The elocuti,vary perfomanoe of Mr. Demōreet at Bu!Tuiy'-< H4ll liwt Saturd«j eveDĪng, was au improvcuni.X oai that of tlie pwvious MouJaj evcuīug, Ue luiJ a tnoderat« house, quiet atul atteutiīe, aiul Uie jau|di<mcewae well pleased \\ith liis pern.ruwuv.v. | it' he could avM more ivdunrvl>le Iris!i aud Dukli i dehnofttiou6 k> his repcrtoire, moh ;vs he reudcK, |h« would do well. Uit! " Woujided "ie ratlfer j io(|> paiutul for ue «0 w|tu.»s. The oative e-orui;t 1 piayere who aeeteted, under the eaeelleul iu|Bti{uotion of uiakiug grcat iuipro\e- | ui6ut. They plaj oq their iu#trumeut wiih jjreat j eaeo aod fiui*b. \Y hat a flcurish Tor lluw.'.i'.. |Vr j tbeeo re«ntli i4auds, Lf Slr. Bcrgir j aajer eUll uioro perr«tiihj; his kvud, l>e eu;\l to inAko a tour of Auieripn\ \\ith our native mii.;If th«iy *ere uot to Uk' cr.vok l>auiīs ofjEnglaud, Austria, apd Fr.'.iivV, thej wou.ld attraet gre«t atteution, aud W and rso3ived. Get to go to the grvat Auicrici;iu of tudepeudeuvv .a ru!adeli-li'.a ;iu 1 18176. The Bānd would be 4 Crst r.vte rocij rocl ity <put<\t