Nuhou, Volume I, Number 17, 22 April 1873 — Along the Wharves. [ARTICLE]
Along the Wharves.
British bark Sparrowhawk is repairing at tbe end of the Esplan'»de, Whal6ship Jireh Perrj is diBchargiug at the berth adjoining. Ameriean bark Edwin has hauled to a berth adjoiinng to load oil for New Bedford. Earkentine Lulu is takiog ou board her ueek load, at the £splanade frout, aud will mil shortly, Behooner Jenny lies at the eorner of the Eeplanade, and will leave to-iuorrow for Koloa and Waimeu. Schooner Hattie at* the Esphnade front will leave this afternoon fbr Nawiliwīli. V Sehooner Annie at the wliarfj and wiil sail again for Ililo tlus niorning. l>arken(ine Jane A. Falkenburg at Kolunaon'e wharf, espeets to sail to-day for Portlaud, Brig Wm, II Allen at Brewer & CVs wharf } will eail again shortly fbr Tahiti, via Kawaihae, Schooner Caroline, at Brewer & Co. % e is about readj fbr sea. Sdhooner sloi Keiki at t!ie old Cuētom~house wharf, will leave thiB ariernoou lbr KahuluL
11otel Promenai>k Thur*day ovening, April 24th.—Tho ctoumg£ i\ro now miW i\nd plea&uil, aud t!io well lightod t &ii)g all the hulie* and joung folks wilh you. The balewm aro epaeiou*. T!io R\nd impwō? nll tho lime, f» ' Va%tl. Pmm Mar» h Oftvntinrt, C>iH-r;\ IMtaarto t . ,IVni?iK v ut Ilow ItMiuttml Tlu>w Ari, 4t ,.W*efdt EO»UfW ro!kā M.t'urfcA ,sikefT Part 11. Marvh n,*»Mtß^kbi>hn JSvkHHkm t Ojh ra Fr rt PU> n>U\ ,Attt*r ŌII ti>e liW l>anubc. Wii'ik .StrAUsw KU PU'iUē Vh r. t ,|, ~,. ; t , , ,t ~ .„ t A|\i(|\| ?|