Nuhou, Volume I, Number 17, 22 ʻApelila 1873 — "Nuhou vs. Gazette" [ARTICLE]
"Nuhou vs. Gazette"
Is a cat(se celibrc, now up bcfbre the Supreme Court of Public Opinkm, aod some 'able juri6t, evidently a elear headed logieal- miuil, \vho is ari observer, gives in the Pacific Commcraal Advertier of iast Saturday, the following $tate of the case, at the lasc sitting of the Court. In the iwti*r of > n JYu HoVv S : Gazellc. $ °" N E»®"«>ss.. €ounsel for "Nu llou exeeptsto reeoiisideratioii of charaeter, in tliis issue, previous to Septemher 4, 1869, ou the ground tbat the\lefendant» " Gazette/' did at that tirae, without solicitation, ef his own free will and accovd, give to the plaiutiff a reeeipt m ful!» in terms, te wit,r 4t Now let our readers judge !br themselves to whether a gentlemau (plaintil!*) of, eo as we know unimpeached veracitj» &e«* Tlie defendant having at the time a fall kuo\Yledge of the charaeter of the plaiutiorm all matters previous to that date, Bepteinher 4» 1809, and having of his owu uiotion, t% without solieitatiou/*-~for this statemeut i$ uot denied ; the deMdant—£lveu īhe receipt in question, he cahnot at his owu option set the reeeipt aside, or ignore it, without injustioe to the plaiutiff Tlie rule in gueh is piaiu, Tliis Court is of the opiniou : That the exception i§ we!t taken; that the i eeupt ls a gvv 1 md suffieient har to al! d:\imi? pre\iout to September 1, 1869; that the defeudaut :must Umit himsdf te iteuis of accouut sinee that date. HA£ißVāroN J\ DefendanCs couusel uoted exeeptioiia to the rulitig. * Tho eaee will be eotjtiuued from Jay to duj» aiwl it k uot exiKVtod that thc Court will ndjouru uQtil it ie ful!y av\judieated ujvu. 4 *Slajider moeU iio regard from noble mmds; o«ty the hebeve, y!iat tlio b\*e nlj utter ** tJooted in the P C A<ir* !StV»
t:y Hi:r Ex. I*. Kwl(kohni } tiiC <>'ovemes? l»f Ilawaii, retur«ed yestei)day on board tho K'ihium i to ber vesi<ioiice at Kailiia, ! j -- j l §gfT We must apologize to our reade/ē< for so im**ch of our gq\iabl)]o wjith the e<litor\>f the i Gszetle in this numbqr. We would not have |saM a word till after hi.« next We<lncbdaj'f- issuc ; ;if had not secn his mean, undcrhand aUaek h* [ liio native paper, the ftuokoa oi last Saturday, | poRTRAiTS of the King, of JjĪb late Majc v =iy, an«l j of ller Majer?ty Quecn Euima are «|u!tc numeroub lin | tbe illusU'ai'ed that wo have njceiveu. The London l!lus^raicdj JYcum has a tolerab!j correet portrait of llis Majestj ; but Fi<ro>? i JVcw Yorhr, also Hehrih arul and tl e I New York Graphk. c«>htain r>ictures hitended I i " : : i * I represent the above porsonages, whieh are anyJ thlng t>ui corrccfc;; T!it Xow Y;.»vk htv D a | resume of the Lnnalilo paper.